
Stiftung Patientenschutz provides more Transparenz at Terminvergabe in Arztpraxen

Stiftung Patientenschutz provides more Transparenz at Terminvergabe in Arztpraxen

Dortmund. Long Wartezeiten, kein friier Termin: The Deutsche Stiftung Patientenschutz urges Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) to bring “Light into the Dunkel des Praxismanagement”. “Auch tut es der ambulanten Gesundheitsversorgung nicht gut, wenn der Vorwurf einer Bevorzugung von Privatpatienten im Raum stehen bleibt”, stated Vorstand Eugen Brysch am Sonntag in Dortmund.

Daher solle Lauterbach publishes a message about Terminen’s coping practice every two years. “Damit is also clear, who fell from the Bundesweit knapp 100,000 Arztpraxen an ihrer Belastungsgrenze since.”

They have to send out return reports for long periods of time, so Brysch. Messages were sent about the patients with complaints and patients who were concerned with the fact that Praxen had no new medical treatment.

If you have a Hilfesuchende abgelehnt, that has become more royal in the past two years. “It is necessary to take care to ensure that the consequences are addressed in the light of the problems that have been resolved. If you use uncomplicated stories, therapeutic therapeutic anweisungen, the desire of unwirtschaftlichen or fachfremden treatments or the nuisance of the practice.”

Brysch will consider: “Für die observant versicherten Patients ist jedoch beispielsweise die Überschreitung der Kapazitätsgrenze nicht nachvollziehbar.” Therefore, come es vor, dass privateversicherte Neupatienten were treated before. (KNA/eb)