
Zum 30-year Jubiläum von Tacheles: Spending-Verdoppelungsaktion

Zum 30-year Jubiläum von Tacheles: Spending-Verdoppelungsaktion

30 Jahre Tacheles eV – 30 Jahre Widerstand against Entrechtung, Armut and Rassismus

If you make a mistake, this can happen. Leader is an Arbeit that is bigger than you. Damit we could make these improvements, benefit from Unterstützung!

Current entries:

When we have been busy for a while, the Bethe Stiftung is one of the expenditures we can make and we thank our hearty days.

And so: Spending, which includes an additional personal contribution from 12. August to 31. October, without the “Spending-Verdoppelungsaktion” was completed by the Bethe Stiftung.

Unterstützen Sie Tacheles eV, your expenditure will double – thanks to the Unterstützung der Bethe-Stiftung!

Spend your time with the Stichworts “Spending-Verdoppelungsaktion” and the following account:

Contactors: Tacheles eV

IBAN: DE90 3305 0000 0000 1886 80

Bank name: WUPSDE33XXX

City Parkasse Wuppertal

The weighty and excessive Arbeit undoes our work, while the great part of the Ehrenamtlichen management is carried out. This Angebot is no longer lifted by the judge, but will be expanded later. This sweat was revived and renewed. Tacheles have no difficulty in spending money, a solche project to use.

The company thanks the Bethe-Stiftung for its engagement and the displacement of the expenses in this campaign. The Förderschwerpunkte der Kölner Stiftung lies in the areas of children’s hospice, child protection as well as disability assistance and memory culture. You can support projects and initiatives of local and regional authorities.

The Verein Tacheles eV is a mild and mild operation. It is possible that you spend money yourself. Expenses are ausgestellt on Nachfrage. With address data (spending € 300) an expense is automatically made.

To the Tacheles website

Zum 30-year Jubiläum von Tacheles: Spending-Verdoppelungsaktion