
Bremer Start-up set up a coffee marmalade

Bremer Start-up set up a coffee marmalade

Kaffee zum Frühstück – ohne die morgendliche Dose Koffein ist der Start in de Tag für vale Menschen kaum vorellbar. If you use a frühstückstisch product, you can retain the warmth properties of a marble glass, that is the “Wachmacher-Effekt” ensured. With my “Energy-Jam”, the Jungunternehmer Samuel Schön, Jan Karstendiek and Lukas Fischer were sold in the Bremer Rewe-Märkte by Daniel Petrat and sold as a pair of Sonnabend at the Wochenmarkt in Findorff. Coffee as Fruchtaufstrich – can the frühstück be revived?

The “Wachmacher Energy-Jam” – thus the full name – is an erd beer marmalade. If you spend three 25 years working on this fruit, it will be completed quickly. Erdbeere is de bundesweit die mit Abstand-teste Marmeladensorte. If sales have failed, the Energy-Jam is just as fun as other marmalades. Nach der Erdbeere is a slightly bitter note of schmecken.

Oxygen is the best choice of the new products: Guarana. The plant from the Amazon region has also been growing in popularity in Germany for a few years. If you make a coffee biscuit in the form of a cup of coffee together with the kletterflanze, you can best prepare a meal. “A coffee has found a quick effect, which has now lasted for two hours”, says Lukas Fischer. Danach can be one of the consequences of the energy depression. “We do not want to have this condition, so we turn to Guarana.” This coffee stops the effect over a period of four to six hours.

Baobab for that other Note

The high quality of the new marmalade is the Zutat Baobab. “Our friend from Gambia has an idea”, says Jan Karstendiek. “We were often loaded for food. This is a taste we can’t explain.” The riddle was solved quickly. The Baobab tree, even if it is an affenbrotbaum, can like it when the fruits last a few seconds, African cuisine is becoming more and more extensive. In the European Union, an exotic nut with a high vanilla is served. Baobab also contains a lot of vitamin C.

“There is no war going on, no products have been found, but there is war, with the consequences of war”, reports Samuel Schön. The market for marmalade was dominated by Marken with its conservative values. “We have been put to shame with our idea”, so Schön. The endurance will finally pay off. A German repairer now produces the orders of jewelry 1000 glasses, the trio in an online shop sold themselves.

The young men know their childhood as a young talent. “With Lukas I was in a Krabbelgruppe gegangen, Samuel kam später dazu”, erzählt Karstendiek. Nach the study goes to university. Karstendiek and Schön find inzwischen im BWL-Master, Fischer work as a Jurist and also pass the State Exam.

Economic and Jura courses delight in theoretical theories Know, the production would never have been born in a Hörsaal. “We were overgrown for breakfast and stuck in testing stress. Our coffee taste was dementedly high”, Fischer remembers. So opt for a drink with coffee and energy drinks. In the meantime, chewing gum, powder and tablets – the bread and coffee products are not endless. But a marmalade? If you place an order for “Red Bull Marmalade”, which was found on the Internet, is a product that is still not available.

Also in the Milkshake

The perfect result of the trio is more than a year ago. Again again bought his prototypes in small mixtures, a boost in the university student anzubieten. “A more important aspect was for us also the consistency”, Schön explains. The Energy-Jam is only suitable for muesli or milkshakes. So do your sports in the Protein-Shake with a soft and guarana filling.

You can hand in a glass with 210 grams for €4.99. Zum Vergleich: 200 Gramm Erdbeer-Konfitüre von Landliebe costs 2.29 Euro at Rewe derzeit. “Unsere Stückkosten since the roads of the small ones Mengen derzeit noch sehr hoch”, erläutert Schön.

Inzwischen is that supermarkets from Bremen have received their new product brand. You can buy the products of the family Mockenhaupt in Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia, the Koffein-Marmelade from Bremen. A larger audience is presented as the trio among other things at the Hanse life, from 6 to 10 September in Bremen, stattfindet.

In the names of the people who live with their lives their initials are related: Food by KFS. The separation, never once “Energy Jam GmbH” has been solidified, could be a hint at a deferred corporate philosophy. Mittelfristig will not name the Trio with the Marmalade. “Unsere Vision: Jeden Tag ein Lebensmittel auf ein higheres Level.” Dieser Satz steht on der Website over de Porträt-foto’s van Fischer, Karstendiek und Schön. Guarana power transgresses itself.

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