
Hike through the steep Wechsel area: Vom Hilmtor auf die Thalberger Schwaig

Hike through the steep Wechsel area: Vom Hilmtor auf die Thalberger Schwaig

Zum Hilmtor hinges or spaziert within ich schon einige Male. Since I left the Marienkapelle, according to the Friedberger Richtung. Was this Hilmtor eigentlich? Früher war is a Sammelstelle for Weidetiere and heute a lovely gestalteter Rastplatz for Wanderer and Radfahrer – and a Ausgangspunkt for many Wanderziele and -routes.

Suddenly my car is right on the parking lot at Hilmtor and the direction Trahütten Alm wandered off. I have a few meters on the Hilmweg and go to the Wegweiser – I have the Thalberger Schweig direction, the 927er. In a hour I had to be there – at my leisure I would have more time.

If there are a few houses and are located in the Abzweigung, it is a small problem in the forest. Auch a Hänsel-und-Gretel-Weg is written here. From now on there is a continuous approx. 3 km mountain through the forest. On the most stony Pfade, Forstwege überquerend, wander through the beautiful life and the launch of the Waldgeräuschen. After about 2 km you will reach the 3-Wetterkreuzen and. A cleaner residential and social area, which is limited by a Steinkreis.

Here I remain a Weile, yet I still collect the Tschickstummeln before it, which were carelessly cast away after the smoke at the Platzerl. At first it was a little, but it is a great energy and stimulation change. Maybe it is so that it goes a little well, when I do my brand combination, but after reading it a person becomes a Tschickstummel and others Mull, who carelessly removes bag covers, plastic and bleach in our wonderful nature. Sodala, I leave a safe place and quere again a forest path and continue I secretly above. If I come across a wooden head, it is a grass crown mache and I sit on it. While others take a short break in a smiley on the road and politeness, it is a problem to laugh and keep a smile on your lips.

After about 3.5 km I am at the Thalberger Schwaig and I see 2 beautiful old houses near the Heraustreten from the forest. It is a hunting lodge, but we will not be near the beer cellar of the Gruftkapelle Prinz Elias von Bourbon-Parma. It died in 1959. The hunting lodge is a private house and a gelände, where the Gruftkapelle also has private property and ownership rights.

The other house is the Gesindehaus, was the mir zwei ortskundig Wanderer, who announced the “Hausherren”. Die Sicht von der Thalberger Schwaig geht in die Ferne – Richtung Bucklige Welt. As the Road to the Kapelle continues, the 2 Houses and the Bäume pass through the Holz Kapelle. For historical interest, here is a message from the Historical Society of Steiermark from 1996.

In the Kapelle it is true that I cannot stop with the 2 Wanderern and überlege, which would become even more. After reading this article, you will find 2 options below, and I will be able to provide you with the free choice. Before you return to the Alten Almweg, you’ll be back again.

If there is a piece of the Forststraße return (at the Kreuzung a man can be seen on the Trahüttenalm further), then there are links in the forest and the 927er follows again, then there are Hinaufgehen links that lie, one on the Forststraße to Schwaig zu gehen.

It is relatively seen and I come at a short distance in Flächen, where Grass is grown. These are straight and worth gold as the sonde seems. As one of the few withered and broken tree trunks my brand-name auf itself and I see a piece in the forest there.

Since I have fallen into the Stone Wall. My ignorance and my discovery spirit are awakened – the sparrow is mir genauer anschauen. Nichtmal thorns and briars can warm up. It is founded and peaks and it is not that it continues. The sparrow wohl ein ziemlich großes Haus gestanden sein. There is a verschiede Räume zu recognise, the von de Steinmauern begins sin. Add a “Keller” to the lid. It is a great view of the Loch and the wages that are paid with a multiple in the future, it may be that you can fall back. If there are a few drinnen, it may be that you get a stable income? Jewish falls are exciting and my war here was unheimlich zumute. The next time I take a machete with me, so that I can clear the path for you😅. If you are looking for a different way to the mountain and more downhill.

After about 2 km you enter the beautiful path. I am a non-profit organization. 2 Glückstürmchen new and some fallen Steintürmchen, which I still have in good condition, are still visible. After 4.5 Stunden, approx. 300 meters and approx. 9 km within the hill near Hilmtor. Here is a newly geschnitzte and installed eule in a tree and the schnapps bar that exists.

It became this task no longer possible. If you go to Mönichkirchen, on the Niederösterreichische page of the Wechsels, it is possible here that people revive or that they seem better on the many roads. I have seen only 1 Mountain biker and the 2 Wanderer at the Jagdhaus.

If all goes well, if I want to take a little more pictures and enjoy, then my messages and moments are so fallen and inspired.