
The city of Graz can withstand delays with Hagelabwehr

The city of Graz can withstand delays with Hagelabwehr


The Hagelabwehr in the Steirischen Landeshauptstadt will imbue the next Frühjahr with a new Betreiber. The city of Graz has completed the Vertrag with the steep Hagelabwehr. This will eventually give the right to written permission.

The Hagelabwehr Südflug was gründet 1982 and hat ihren Firmensitz in Carinthia, was flown aber schon jetzt in Teilen der West-Süd- and Südoststeiermark. Graz sei dem Unternehmen aber nicht fremd sagt Südflug Geschäftsführerin Linda Golob.

Ab Frühjahr flies „Südflug“ Hageleinsätze über Graz

Schon ihr Großvater und Unternehmensgründer sei gefllogen here, damals nor für die Konkurrenz, says Linda Golob: “My Großvater Walter Golob was damals für die Hagelgenossenschaft tätig and hat for sie auch für the Flugbetrieb gemacht, hat also fell Know How in America gesammelt and hat since 1982, the South Flughage Labwehr at the Graz Flughafen has been gründet.”

Ab dem Frühjahr nachsten Jahres ist de Landeshauptstadt nun auch offiziell Einsatzgebiet von Südflug. Since 1955, we are still looking forward to it.

Comment, a description of the question

Die Kündigung komme unerwartet, says Obmann Josef Mündler. “We were asked a telephone question on June 15 about the representation, which is a must-delay in Graz – and plötzlich on 1. August flatters a short letter with comments, which says: “We are knowledgeable, we will extend the delay not more ‘. We have developed the financial resources, it is not the theme.” In spite of the fact that a man has a right to write, his writing has been tried, said Obmann Josef Mündler: “It is natural to have a right to write and to write a right card, it has to be done well,” said Mündler.

City of Graz is separated from the great interest

If the current situation is argued for the protection of the government, it is one of the times when fear is no longer necessary. I think the man has now been given the chance to start. After the Hagelabwehr has paid a price of 11,000 Euro per year, he is worth a premium.