
Niedersachsen enttäuscht: Absteiger Darmstadt lays complete Fehlstart hin

Niedersachsen enttäuscht: Absteiger Darmstadt lays complete Fehlstart hin

Lower Saxony debunked
Absteiger Darmstadt lays complete Fehlstart hin

Absteiger Darmstadt 98 will play in the Telefoonlenende after the 2nd match in the 2nd Fußball-Bundesliga. Those Hessians in Paderborn will never lose anything. Hannover 96 makes the perfect start to the season.

SC Paderborn – SV Darmstadt 98 3:1 (0:1)

The poor SC Paderborn will start with the Tabenspitze of the 2. Fußball-Bundesliga. The SCP bezwang Darmstadt 98 am 2. Spieltag nach Rückstand deserves 3:1 (0:1) and that is the only man who has the perfect Sechs-Punkte-Start hinglegt. The Bundesliga-Absteiger Darmstadt is at the Auftakt-Heimniederlage against Fortuna Düsseldorf punktlos.

One of Tor von Oscar Vilhemsson (7.), the for Darmstadt with left from eight meters kick, performs the game. Paderborn has a big chance that the Mittelstürmers Koen Kostons (6.) has a bigger problem with the visit to the guests and that the ball will often go so fast.

Darmstadt also seems to have everything in Griff zu haben – jedoch now a half study long. Dann lent Torhüter Marcel Schuhen the ball after a header from Filip Bilbija, so that he could not hit de Querlatte (33.). Sven Michel (45.+1) shot to the Pfosten.

Paderborn came for 12,972 supporters with a double change and even higher pressure from the Pause, the match by Sebastian Klaas (53.) war deserved. The host families won their title at Hertha BSC and have now made an attempt to get a ​​Sieg – with a sequel: Bilbija (64.) followed a fear with a weak Zehn-Meter-Schuss. Spätestens with the 3:1 by Ilyas Ansah (83.) war the game played.

Eintracht Braunschweig – 1. FC Magdeburg 1:3 (0:1)

In Braunschweig the alarm bells are ringing loudly: The Eintracht has left Mal within eight days in the defensive position and completely ruined its start to the season. After a week of 1:5 at Schalke 04, Niedersachsen lost at 2. Spieltag 1:3 (0:1) against 1. FC Magdeburg. The Dutch Neuzugang Martijn Kaars erzielte seine first Tore in German Profifußball (13. and 55.). Zudem met Silas Gnaka (59.) for Magdeburg. Das Tor von Rayan Philippe (67.) brought the Eintracht nichts.

“It’s a good idea to start playing. That’s a man in the 2. Liga,” said Braunschweigs coach Daniel Scherning after the victory at Sky, but he remained niece. For 22.791 Zuschauern hatte Philippe schon in der 4. Minute de Führung für die Eintracht auf dem Fuß, scheiterte aber am Magdeburger Torwart Dominik Reimann. The host family, which has zum Auftakt 0:0, is played by the SV Elversberg, the power increases as more power is exercised.

Start sweating half of Magdeburg for another goal. Candle and Gnaka lay nach. I am Anschluss und de Treffer von Philippe schöpfte Braunschweig noch een mal Hoffnung. Die Chancenverwertung war aber schwach.

SC Preußen Münster – Hannover 96 0:0

Hannover 96, Braunschweig’s Lower Saxony rival, who provided the perfect start to the season – and the following exits. Trainer Stefan Leitl’s Mannschaft has to start with a 0:0 at Preußen Münster after a change in Leistung. The strong Torhüter Ron-Robert Zieler prevented a Niederlage in seinem 350. Pflichtspiel for 96 more. Zum Auftakte did not win Hanover nor sovereignty over Jahn Regensburg (2:0).

The match started in front of 12,422 Zuschauern in the newly purchased Preußen-Stadion. Malik Batmaz gave a grim response to Zieler (13) with a double chance. The Lower Saxony offensive before the break is no longer possible. A half-time punishment for the scammers is deserved, but Batmaz fand fristehend wieder seinen Meister in Zieler (36.).

Lead the reaction to the beginning of the seafaring with the beginning of the swimming time with a double game, the desire effect will remain after us. A false shock of the eingewechselten Andreas Voglsammer caused him to immerse himself in a bisschen Gefahr (62.). To others you see that you have seen Luca Bazzoli from Stelle (75.).

In the Nachspielzeit of the Hanoverian Jessic Ngankam only the Latte, the assistant judge has the idea that the Fahn has become an abseitsstellung.