
Hisbollah has sent Israel Täuschung for Von dpa-AFX

Hisbollah has sent Israel Täuschung for Von dpa-AFX

BEIRUT/GAZA (dpa-AFX) – The Lebanese Hisbollah has rocked Israel after the war in the Gaza Strip, blaming the bell and the food. “The reason for a Waffenruhe and new terms for dealings since the lieutenance and planning”, Erklärte die Miliz. Israel’s “real Wahl ist das Töten und das Verüben von Massakern”. The Palestinians will see more time if they follow the “abscheulichsten Massaker ausgesetzt”.

There is an Israeli air force on a debt burden in the city of Gaza, which after a palestinian Angaben Dotzende Menschen ums Leben. One of the Palestinian controllers of Hamas speaks of mental protections 93 Toten in them as refugee shelters used buildings. The Israeli army fights the fear, one of the commandos of Hamas, who has financed his goal. The feeling of fear is unacceptable.

The Hisbollah in Lebanon is with the Islamist Hamas verbündet. If the beginning of the Gaza-Kriegs is nice for Israel with the Military, a new Krieg, for everything to the community of Grenze. After the fight of the Hisbollah-military commanders and the Hamas-Auslandschefs one of the biggest advocates of the Hisbollah ended up on the Tagen.