
With Google Maps you can finally reach the Pyramiden in Egypt

With Google Maps you can finally reach the Pyramiden in Egypt

If you wish to visit the Pyramiden, you should not travel extra to Egypt. With Google Maps I can find out more detailed information about it.

Those pyramids in Egypt are considered ancient World Wonders. Lange Rätselte man darüber, zu welchem ​​Zweck sie errichtet wurden. Heute delete wir: Die Bauwerke serve ihren Herrschern als Grabmal. I have a unique form and great results in their own world fascination. This year sees millions of people in Egypt, where they can see the pyramids.

Google Maps offers only a few functions that you are not familiar with. The video provides practical tips for pampering:

Virtual Tour of the Pyramiden with Google Maps

To cover the Pyramiden, you must be clear do not hesitate to travel to Egypt. I can also use the construction equipment and use the Zuhause with the computer or smartphone using Google Maps. The Online Map Service is easy to use, but the Pyramiden virtuell can be run.

You can also see more about the Pyramiden von Gizeh and look at the Cheops Pyramide and the Sphinx. Überzeugt euch selbst von der gewaltigen Größe der ägyptischen Bauwerke. Kamele und Kutschen wasted ihr bei eurer Erkundung vermutlich ebenfalls sehen.

Cheops PyramidCheops Pyramid
A view of the Cheops Pyramid (© Google Maps)

Who is the greatest and greatest in the Pyramiden?

The Pyramids of Giza are approximately 4,500 years old. They are approximately 15 kilometers from the center of Kairos and since the end of their lifetime, the world wonder of the ancient world is still alive and well. The Pyramiden von Gizeh wurden als Grabmäler für die Pharaonen Cheops, Chepren und Mykerionos erbaut.

The Cheopspyramide has a height of 230 meters and a height of 139 meters. The Chephrenpyramide is with 215 meters of weight and has an active height of 136 meters. The smallest of the three, the Mykerinospyramide, lacks 103 meters in depth and 65 meters in height. More than that, the construction work is great. Festival, that is the Pyramiden von Giza spectacular constructions of human history heard.

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