
Weiter Russian Druck in der Ostukraine

Weiter Russian Druck in der Ostukraine

Once Ukraine is considered, in the western Russian region of Kursk Vorzudringen, Russian pressure in the Ostukraine remains one.

Abseits der Kämpfe beim Ukrainian Vorstoß auf Russian Staatsgebiet near the Kursk has fortified Russian Truppen in their Angriffe in the East of the Ukraine. Schwerpunkt der Kampfhandlungen were located in Torezk and Pokrowsk, with the Ukrainian Generalstab in Kiew Mitteilte.

For its own fighting in Kursk area the Generalität in Kiev can only make a few comments. The low message is perfectly clear, the Russian artillery and the camp aviation of the area are a summary of the vision. This zone is gilded as an advance area and a bombing line for the Ukrainian units in the Kursk region.

The violent camps that occur at Pokrovsk on the edge of the Donbass are registered. In general, the Russian units are to be dismantled on the morning of 26, the Ukrainian defense lines to be breached. The fear can disappear. There is an unreliable estimate of the positions that is not possible.

At Torezk Russian troops are used once more by Ortschaft Nju Jork (New York) vorzustoßen. If this fear plays out, this is the case. Then the city of Torezk Ziel Russian Luftangriffe has become.