
Nach Angriff op Schule courten de USA op Waffenstillstand

Nach Angriff op Schule courten de USA op Waffenstillstand

It is an Israeli fear that is Palestinian and can become the Dutzende von Menschen. Israel was founded, the large construction complex has financed a Hamas commando post.

Palästinenser untersuchen den Schaden am Ort des Israeli Angriffs.

Palästinenser untersuchen den Schaden am Ort des Israeli Angriffs.

Mahmoud Zaki / EPA

The Israeli army has shocked the Saturday morning a früher as the debtor in the north of the Gaza Strip. It is a good choice to receive more than 90 people. There is an evil soul at the Taabin School in the Fourth Daraj in the part of the city of Gaza. In the framework of the Unterrichtsräumen and one of the best best-managed Complex you will not find a single Unterricht statt. Stattdessen were dort laut local Behörden many refugees arrived.

A report on the American newspaper “The Wall Street Journal” comes from a surprise explosion of an explosion. Später is then in the damaged Gebäude überall tote Körper and Leichenteile gesehen, auch solche von Frauen and Kindern. Video collection of Ort des Angriffs see a zerstörte Halle and Helfer, the Verwundete and Tote take away.

Israel fights the proceeds

Israel’s army, which at last again and again attacks schools in Gaza, has embroiled itself in civilisation. If you have statistics, the construction complex is a Hamas command post that is being financed. More Hamas fighters would be fighting the alliances of the Islamic Jihad organisation that is embedded in it. Remember that 19 of the following things will happen when fear is aroused. Man has been hit by military action en masse, a civil population to protect.

Israel has made the best choice for the Palestinian couples who have an offer of 90 to ten and bezeichnet like zu hoch. Own Zahlen presentierte es – bis auf de angeblich getöteten Kämpfer – jedoch bisher keine. Those who are so often in the Monats and the Krieg of Israel and Hamas, with the Terrorangriff of the Islamists on Israel, started on October 7, how, welding the Angaben both Seiten not unabhangig überprüfen.

Israel’s young star lost a wave of embarrassment in the foreign country. EU foreign beauty Josep Borrell has been given the fear of a massacre. There are many rumors from the Arab states that could get a far-reaching reaction from Washington. “Without the reports that you can see, you can write a report about the Weissenhausen in one of the Mitteilungs. Man, that’s Hamas from school operations. Israel must however undertake everything, to prevent civil war.

America will prevent an escalation

The fallout in Gaza brought a new era for Washington. Last day, the American could prevent a massive Swiss invasion of Israel and Iran from plunging the Near East into a regional war. After Israel had launched a massive Hezbollah invasion of the Golan Heights with a bombardment that had a high-ranking Miliz in Beirut, the work and quick time by Hamas chief Ismail Haniya in Tehran was able to help Iran and its great opposition.

Seither warten Israel and its American alliances in many ways in Tehran and Beirut. Washington suffers greatly from the fact that this is still not the case – with a breakthrough in stock trading with a prisoner coup and a Waffenstillstand in Gaza. President Biden hates Hamas and Israel that there is more with Nachdruck and the Verhandellungstische bitten. Most anger in Gaza no longer has this power.

It is possible that Hamas will block the Israeli government from fighting against its sister. Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were therefore openly in the Haare Gerate. In an interview with the magazine «Time» a pressure was exerted to let Netanyahu die than one of the best things he could do.

Explanation of actions

The far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has pointed his finger at Washington and can expect a possible capitulation. On other pages that Hamas has set up after the Tod Haniyas, Yahya Sinwar has formed his new political power base – the main responsibility for the massacre on October 7. There is gold as a hardliner and as one of the most popular Opfern. The warnings of Hamas cadre in the concrete, further for negotiations open to his.

Community with Qatar and Egypt, the American seeks, in the end of the next week but still a break in the conversations to liberate. If Iran continues to las, a waffen may still come into view at some point. If the American has an interesting interest, the fear that the Saturday in the future may well become greater.