
Raiders Tirol win in ELF at Stuttgart Surge

Raiders Tirol win in ELF at Stuttgart Surge

Raiders Chief Coach Jim Herrmann landed a number of key events

Raiders Chief Coach Jim Herrmann landed a number of key events


Dthat is to say that Raiders Tirol plays in the European League of Football (ELF) for a surprise in Stuttgart. The Innsbrucker is rather in the Auswärtsspiel if it has not yet started with a big fight and gewannen with 45:42 (21:28). While the German now new Victories and a Niederlage stop and continue to the Central Conference, the Raiders are with Victories and three Niederlagen Zweiter and want in the Play-off-Rennen.

The Tyrolean people are looking forward to being the finalists of the past years and are still waiting for 10:28. The final Angriffsserie brought the separated coup: Raiders-Quarterback N’Kosi Perry, the insgesamt three Touchdown-Pässe warf and a small self in the Endzone, fand 43 Sekunden for Schluss on Stand of 38:42 in the Endzone Tight End Richard Weber , der mit seinen Handen the Ball und damn de Sieg für die Gäste sicherte.

“It’s a pleasure to play football, because man plays football. We are happy and enjoy ‘plays’ for sure. It was a great game. We are a team in the right direction below,” said Wide Receiver Philipp Haun at Puls24. The Raiders have given the Samstag (6 p.m.) a Heimspiel against the Milano Seamen, then another trip to the Munich Ravens (26.8.). In the upcoming play-offs, the Innsbruckers won both games.

It is a new team in the ELF that has now won the Vienna Vikings (11:0), the results in the Play-offs are over.