
Great Britain: Hunderte bei Beerdigung für Opfer von Attacke in Southport

Great Britain: Hunderte bei Beerdigung für Opfer von Attacke in Southport

Heart-shaped balloons are like this as they take flight to the bluttat in Southport at St Patrick's Church nearby. Photo: Scott Heppell/AP/dpa
Heart-shaped balloons are like this as they take flight to the bluttat in Southport at St Patrick’s Church nearby. Photo: Scott Heppell/AP/dpa


Hundreds of people have taken part in the bierdigung some new offers from Messerangriffs in English Southport. That Tat End July, while the three children in the Grundschulalter lead a life, is what the country has become. Right-wing extremist may be that you have made an analysis for your Ausschreitungen.

Die Trauergemeinde trägt Weiss

Hundreds of people säumten the Strasse and applauded, like those in front of a church in Southport at the end. Sowohl der von Pferden ücke Leichenwagen, als een de Blumen geschmückte Sarg were white. Auch die Trauergemeinde war weiss kleidet. Die Farbe gilded as a symbol of the innocence of children. Auch pinkfarbene Luftballons were zu sehen.

The motive of the overwhelmingly motivated people is not possible

The Angreifer has a holiday home where you can enjoy a holiday with children and bereuerinnen. When the nose opens, it will take a while and a few years later the machines will be even bigger. More people are injured. If you want to know if you can pack the Krankenhaus.

One of the Tatzeitpunkt 17-year Jugendlicher wurde festgenommen. The motivation for the mother’s body is therefore worthy of recognition.

Krawalle held das Land-tagelang in Atem

As the internet war develops, it may happen that the distribution of an illegal trip with Islamic names takes place. Both are false, the police are clear. The mutmassliche Täter was born in Grossbritannien as a son of Ruandischer Einwanderer.

Right-wing extremists kept the country in Atem for days. It is a question of fear for security, an appeal to the asylum seeker and to the health care and the debts. Thousands of policewomen and policemen were in detention, of which tens of thousands were injured. Please note that the situation is different.

Knapp 800 Menschen, who are used as the Ausschreitungen, or on the Strasse or on the Internet, such as rolled frilled hats, would have two snake festivities. Knapp 350 wurden bereits complaints and etliche zu teils morehrjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt.

Seventh-day Adventists