
Wahlers crowns Oberliga debut: Jeddingen feiert Traumstart

Wahlers crowns Oberliga debut: Jeddingen feiert Traumstart

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Wahlers crowns Oberliga debut: Jeddingen feiert Traumstart
Jeddingens Matchwinner Pia-Katharina Wahlers (M.) played proud Bedrängnis von Julia Uphaus (r.) during the Pass on Nele Kämmer. © Freese

The first step begins right away with the title of MTV Jeddingen – and the use of the title aspirants Burg Gretesch.

Jeddingen – Damit hatte wohl kaum jemandgericht – itself in Lager des MTV Jeddingen nicht. The Landesliga-Meister und Oberliga-Aufsteiger hat in seinem ersten Punktspiel zu Hause in front of more than 100 Zuschauern the Titelverteidiger and Meisterschaftaspiranten TSG 07 Burg Gretesch with 1:0 (1:0). “Wir haben es tatsächlich gegeschafft. After a 14-year break in the Oberliga, anyway, it is an absolute trauma start for our“, and trainer Markus Schwarz. Neuverpflichtung Pia-Katharina Wahlers (comb vom Kreisligisten TV Stemmen) with the golden Tor (44.). The handsome Ergebnis brought those Guest Geberinnen souverän after Hause.

“That’s okay, I was happy to do it,” said Schwarz. „We can now purchase, if we are leading, we will be happy, avoid the Räume zustellen, Schnittstellenbälle and so few Torchancen. Everyone has received their power.” In the order of the great favorite castle Gretesch over the entire distance it was more of the game, but not a good Torchance. Schwarz meinte, dass ich seine Mannschaft den Sieg deserves the following: “Power is an uncanny bag, which can beat auf die Schulter.”

Rosebrock-Heemsoth postpones flight

It is not possible to involve the party. The first 25 minutes were full of nervousness, both crews were not enthusiastic and were very excited. “That was not ours. “We have lived our lives, since we have had fun, we can play a lot of good ball games,” Schwarz reported, “The state of the art of playing ball is such that the children are always welcome. Wobei das den Gastgeberinnen die null Zeit brought, Ordnung zu in die eigene Stellungsspiel.

“Then you can play a game, that’s fun and can change even more. Finally has played for a while, football to play”, Meinte Jeddingens Coach, the chances of his team. Puts Emelie Rosebrock-Heemsoth a coffee bean on the latte. The goal getter has cleverly laughed at the guest Torfrau Alisa Ostwald. After an Eckball situation Rosebrock-Heemsoth had given the ball in the Querbalken. “Then you have a bisschen changed, as the opponents otherwise angel and you have a Fehlpass in the Abwehrreihen with the Torhüterin erzwungen”, Schwarz said. Ostwald could no longer look at the ball properly, Pia-Katharina Wahlers was sweet and pushed the ball 20 meters from 1:0 ins Tor (44.). “The war is an uncanny struggle for our people, so it will end up in the Cabinet corridors with the Breiter Brust,” Schwarz said.

Verteidigerin Mailin Gilde (in Boden) no longer played in the Oberliga-Härte, under the Schusskraft of Goalkeeper Hanna Schwarz (M.), who is on the Hinterkopf trifft.
Verteidigerin Mailin Gilde (in Boden) no longer played in the Oberliga-Härte, under the Schusskraft of Goalkeeper Hanna Schwarz (M.), who is on the Hinterkopf trifft. © Freese

Jeddingen kam stärkt zurück aufs veld en konnte sich nach der Pause three, vier Mal good Kontersituationen herausplayelen, seiterte aber all in zweimal by Hanna Weidemann in Abschluss. Hinten ließ seine Defensive with Mailin Gilde and Janika Hoffmann in the Zentrum nichts anbverhuur. The lonely überraschenden Schuss bekam Gilde in the Schlussphase ab, as Torfrau Hanna Schwarz sie with an Abstoß unabsichtlich on the back head erwischte and niederstreckte. After the treatment is completed, the digestion continues.

“If you play in the Oberliga, that is the footballing quality immensely high,” Schwarz said. “So since we are super strong, three of the Punkte gegen den Abstieg holt zu haben.” The Trainer sah een kompakte Mannschaftsleistung, hob aber nor three Spielerinnen reform: “Mailin Gilde and Lena Troschka have played the right ball and organized without power, ebenso wie Hanna Thier in der Mitte.”

By Iris Schmökel