
Austria Wien-Coach Helm nach 3:1 über WAC: “Bin in erster Linie erleichtert” – Bundesliga

Austria Wien-Coach Helm nach 3:1 über WAC: “Bin in erster Linie erleichtert” – Bundesliga

With a strong Leistung, dem no Spielglück, the Schub des eingewechselten Dominik Fitz and a furiosen Finish hat sich Austria Wien aus der Negativspirale started and with the 3:1-Heimsieg über the WAC in the ADMIRAL Bundesliga-Saison 2024/25 am zweiten Spieltag the first punk is a fact. Het brauchte es jedoch fell Geduld, wobei der Ausschluss vom gegnerischen Abwehr-Routinier Nicolas Wimmer den Veilchen “in die Karten” story. Follow-up STATEMENTS from the Sieger-Lager.

Erster Sieg in the ADMIRAL Bundesliga season 2024/25 for Wiener Austria under chief coach Stephan Helm, who thinks the WAC is “a bit of a Sieg”. Right back Aleksandar Dragović, who more or less made a happy comeback in his letzten game before the auction in December 2010.

“Bin in erster Line erleichtert”

Stephan Helm (Head Coach FK Austria Wien) über…

…that Game: “I will be happy in my other line, we will have great football with great fans in the countryside. I have a large turnover in this Mannschaft, the characterful top ist. I am happy for my manhood and for all of us, so we can write about it.”

…die Criticism of the decline of the Leistungen and seeing the damage: “Was this a good choice, the spirit was the best support for my family and can come a bisschen zur Ruhe. It is a lie, if it is sage, then it is so that it is not good. That is my Job. Ich habe sehr viel invested, um so eine Gelegenheit zu haben. It is a privilege, so a job can last a long time. I will ask them.

We’ve talked about corporate responsibility, but it’s not a One-Man-Show. I have a good life around me, which is completely gutless. Man speaks of a good Schritt in the right direction. I would like to show that the man in the game is alive and well, that man’s work is good. Glücklicherweise is a pleasure to behold. Man is a good man, he is a man with plenty of energy to spare.”

“There was a small physical theme under the week”

…die Entscheidung, Dominik Fitz nicht von Anfang and zu bring: “When there is no more kitzeln, it is extremely exciting to play. Man must in his manchmal a bisschen bremsen vallenleicht. There is a small physical theme under the week. Davor was er immer am Platz. If you come with your ideas and memory, a track can be bigger, then the game can help more. Glücklicherweise is a conscious choice. Darüber freue ich mich sehr. “

Aleksandar Dragovic: “That is really not so, whoever shows up teilweise is. A start has been made with making a way, the Ruhe has become the Mannschaft, with the Entschlossenheit there in jede einzelne Aktion geht. A start has been made with the Mannschaft a certain Security, said that it is a Day in Training. It is really bad, with the ‘attitude’ it is a good thing. If I never had a personal problem, that I had not done well, it would have been a difficult package.”

…for the party that criticizes a signaler Person: „Kritik gehört dazu, es kommt aber darauf an, von welcher Seite. The criticism of the fans, who may not be that good, a team that does not exist, is completely justified. Good luck if you keep your head down, because some things are done well. That is a more normal process.”

Ende gut, Austria gut… auch wenn noch veld Luft nach oben ist bei der Wiener Austria, it deserves to show with an unermüdlichem Einsatz how the competition is the first season in the Meisterschaft 2024/25. The elimination took place due to Stephan Helm’s incorrect final throws, all by Dominik Fitz.

“Verstehe die Fans nach den Welzten Wochen, aber nur Gemeinsam können wir Erfolg haben”

Aleksandar Dragović (Rückkehrer FK Austria Wien) über…

…that Game: “At the end there was a big turn, even when it had been shown for a long time. A good choice was made for the first time, who is the leader during a standard in the back position. We have gained more power and the end deservedly won, we will have the better team for 90 minutes.”

…hol Sieg trot 0:1-Backstands: “You have to keep going. A lot has happened. The fans are planning to fight for the Verein for 90 minutes, for this. It’s possible that it will go well, and one of the three punks who says it. Ich habe die Woche schon gesehen, dass jeder mitgezogen hat. It’s a good training week. So whoever trains, that’s how he plays. So we have to continue now, stay humble. If you can’t keep going anymore, that’s the best you can do, but it can’t be a problem anymore. After you’ve played an Auswärtsspiel, it’s a different story.”

see Gefühlswelt for the Comeback-Spiel: “I was a bit nervous, but I was normal now in the National Team. Austria Wien ist, with Roter Stern, natürlich mein Herzensverein. I’d like to do something with the first Heimspiel story. There is a war that is nervous, but the war is over. Zum Glück has hollowed out the three Punkte.”

Beschimpfungen against Jürgen Werner and Manuel Ortlechner: “I wouldn’t have been able to say anything until last week. I verstehehe unsere Fans of course. Schimpfwörter sollte man da aber aberenvorlassen. If so, Plakate machen is legit. We’ve got all the sister names. Der Jürgen Werner and the ‘Orti’ have become 100 percent of the prices for Austria and camps. Tag dafür, das die Austria wieder dahinkommt, wo sie hinghört. I hope that the fans after the last week will be able to live with them.”

“Generell schwierig ist der Verein meiner Meinung nach nicht”

Manfred Schmid (ex-Austria coach and former Sky co-commentator) über…

…die Changes in training skills in Austria: “It functions well for a long time. The big problem is the low, in the east of Austria, with the financial situation and erwartungshaltung. Man hat good Spieler holt, wir were damals am drieten Platz and sehr erolgreich. The last one is one of the Schulterne sneakers.

Now the situation in sports does not show so, whoever the man is. Gentlemen hat not the achievements, the gentleman hat is erwartet. The situation in the jetzige situation is that you go in the European Cup in the punkt, if you prepare a Mannschaft, which has a function in the Meisterschaft, and also the Körperliche rerichten. You have all three, four days a game.

This is the problem, the training guidance is focused on solving problems. That is not true, that is not possible. It is not a bad burden. If you think about it again, you can play a few games. Of course it works on the performance of the man. The association’s opinion is not generalized. It is a larger undertaking with a larger supply chain. There is a stop at the moment when the pressure situation occurs, the man gets into trouble. The biggest problem is the momentary situation in life.

Austria-New Pass Maurice Malone: “Vom Karakter her is shy zum Betreuen. There is no best trainer, but that’s true. There is a great character.”

“Respekt, dass er das in seinem ersten Interview nach seiner Rückkehr noch platziert in Richtung Fans”

Marc Janko (Sky Experte) über…

Dragović addresses fans in Sky interview: “Respect, that in his first interview after his return he still has room for fans. There is a big goose, hat man is feeling. Of course there is nothing wrong with the world, but it is a very wrong career that has developed. Dementia is an absolute problem for humanity.”

Improvement efforts in Austria: “Of course it can’t be that you’re Spieler zofort white, it was all a wrong hat. Because a lot of video analysis equipment was used, it may not have been that bad with the processing of it. If you’re in that game while you’re in phases, where the Penalty Construction hasn’t spent a hundred percent of the time, the woman is from a good situation at the beginning of the last played hat, while some other meter has spared another meter.

Of course, in a phase, in the fact that Austria is being financed, it is not good. There is a war going on between the breasts and the man who can become a Schub.

“Auf violett ist die Kugel first fallen with the Entscheidung, die…”

Alfred Tatar (Sky Expert): “If the ball has fallen first with the separation, it has never been reinforced, the penalty kick has not been given. When it comes to politeness, it is a commotion for Trainer Helm, it is an end to a small gain of time, because it can last a longer period, but it is not possible to follow the time of the disposition. The responsibilities will be dealt with in the first place and then the person will see ernte. “

See also:

FK Austria Wien vs. WAC: Mit Fitz kam die Wende beim Hitze-Martyrium


STATEMENT-Quelle: Sky Sport Austria

Photo credits: Josef Parak