
Who can have a very friendly short-distance flight vehicle

Who can have a very friendly short-distance flight vehicle

© TU Berlin/CHARGE / CHARGE (carbon-neutral high-efficiency aircraft for regional electric flights) is based on a combination with a box-wing configuration with divided electric drives (DEP)
© TU Berlin/CHARGE / CHARGE (carbon-neutral high-efficiency aircraft for regional electric flights) is based on a combination with a box-wing configuration with divided electric drives (DEP)

Getting started in the DLR Design Challenge wars are a number of logical and economical short-range aircraft heading to the yard.

The jury of the German Air Force Centers (DLR) has defeated the study team from the TU Berlin at the 1st Platz of the eighth DLR Design Challenge.

As air traffic grows in the coming years, more and more innovative technologies will be used. The short-haul flight has a significant impact on the air force’s CO2 emissions, which is why the DLR Design Challenge 2024 has achieved this theme. The war against war is a low-emission air force for the zukünftige mobility on the short-haul.

“The air force discovers that it is one of the intensive transformation processes in its entirety. As a result, it is setting up an honorable research and development process. I see the DLR as the architect and integrator of aviation research”, says Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, Supervisory Director of the DLR, “Indispensable for our work is the emergence of knowledge, new and disruptive opportunities for thought, as well as technological innovation. All components of the DLR Design Challenge 2024 have proven successful in designing a number of environmentally friendly and economically efficient short-range aircraft for the year 2050.”

Know-how, creativity and team spirit as Schlüsselkompetenzen

Six study teams present themselves at the conclusion of the wettbewerbs in their enterprise, for that four-month period. Think of the study results that are really an enterprise of Flugzeugen: From the first designs over the detailed technical analyses and the calculations the presentations of the jury were carried out by the jury. If you cooperate with an enterprise and a long-term knowledge with practical matters, you compensate a surprising conditions and active re-examinations of the aviation industry. There is no technical know-how available, but also credit and team management.

The first place of the DLR Design Challenge 2024 went to the team of the TU Berlin. Your concept CHARGE has rated the jury with a message, in all design separations that are good and flawless. All different types of zippers are removed and the innovative technologies work with solid undernutrition. The TU Braunschweig lands on the second place. The team of yours has worked with the concept VoltAirs-95 due to the high plausibility, while it is a good balance between innovation and better technology. Place three occupied Team HYPER of the DHBW Ravensburg. The presentation of a solid well-thought-out construction was a bad assessment by the jury. The postponed use of the Antriebskonzept field is not positive. “In general, all the intended designs for innovation and very creative were funded, so that all teams are considered winners”, the jury says about the award ceremony.

CHARGE (Carbon-neutral High-efficiency Aircraft for ReGional Electric flight) has developed the combination of a box-wing configuration with divided electric antennas (DEP) to achieve higher aerodynamic and propulsive efficiency. For the energy supply, the battery capacity is increased to a higher level. CHARGE should be able to transport 110 passengers on a stretch of up to 894 kilometers.

Lower CO2 emissions due to greater efficiency on the short routes

Before the air truck goes to the plant, the service position until the year 2050 becomes a plan. A good network and a European regional route ensure that the new air vehicle can be operated logically and smoothly. The warfare is carried out during an analysis of the networks themselves, the Reichsweite and Passenger capacity will do their job and both requests are optimally executed. The war against the energy guzzlers is insulted: a washing substance, electricity and sustainable air power material can be used in hybrid applications.

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /