
SPD, Mieterbund und IG Bau wollen Mieterschutz schnell verschärfen

SPD, Mieterbund und IG Bau wollen Mieterschutz schnell verschärfen

SPD, Mieterbund und IG Bau wollen Mieterschutz schnell verschärfen

The focus for the long term in the housing market is on the pressure on the Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP), with the protection of the debts.

Man must “die Abzocke” von Mietern, the Mieten are about the ortsüblichen Vergahle must pay, immediately gone, say SPD faction leader Dirk Wiese the newspapers of the Funke-Mediengruppe (Montagausgaben). Concretely, a reform of the most important reforms can be implemented. If the first 20 percent of the following results are achieved, it may be that a trade wisdom is traded, while 50 percent is a Straftat.

Many people must have the most nachweisen, the vermieter a Zwangslage ausgenutzt hat. “Ein solcher Nachweis is aber in der Praxis unmöglich,” said Wiese. A Buschmann has set out for a Gesetzesentwurf-freizumachen established by the Bundesrat. “Nach de Urlaub sollte Buschmann außerdem seine Arbeitsverweigerung beenden and endlich de versprochenen Gesetzesentwürfe zu den mietrechtlichen Vorhaben aus dem Koalitionsvertrag vorlegen,” said the SPD-Fraktionsvize.

Rückendeckung erhält Wiese vom Deutschen Mieterbund. Weer the Mietpreisbremse nor the Kapungsgrenze or the Mietwucher-Paragraf schützten die Mieter in ausreichenden Maße, said Mieterbundpräsident Lukas Siebenkotten at Funke-Zeitungen. If you want to use one of the effective protective measures for your situation, the state can go a little further and that cannot be any different than everything else. With the informed legal rights is a matter of law.’

Auch Gewerkschaftschef Robert Feiger, Bundesvorsitzender of IG Bau, is looking for a Verschärfung of the Mietwucher-Paragravens. “Mietwucher ist der socially-toxic Auswuchs des Wohnungsmangels. Vermieter-Gier, who lives in Mietwucher, is not acceptable,” says Feiger about the Funke-Zeitungen. There are higher amounts of money and a “smaller upward movement”.

In addition to the living quarters and the job center, Feiger in de Pflicht: “If the state pays for living expenses and both the costs of the labor costs are high, the Mieten are also responsible for the price, then it is important to be self-employed with the living room.” wuchernde Vermieter sued, Feiger. “This is a truly disciplinarian approach.”

dts Messaging Agency

Photo: `Gegen Miete`-Graffiti an einer Hauswand in Berlin-Neukölln (Archiv), via dts Nachrichtenagentur