
Beliebter Inselstaat: Meditatie statt Massen: Die “Dom. Rep.” Ohne All Inclusive

Beliebter Inselstaat: Meditatie statt Massen: Die “Dom. Rep.” Ohne All Inclusive

Inland it is nevertheless the authentic Dominican Republic. Profit local initiatives fly in the community – also in Tourism. But remains a Sehnsucht.

The Duft is full of sweat. When the factory has gone through the profit, the man is enveloped in a soft cloud, quickly in a swollen state. Cheers!

Appropriate for the Aura bleibt der Blick an eenner paintührerischen Masse kleben, de Nereida Acosta gerade beidhändig mit Spachteln auf a Werkplatte in and her welzt. Daraus forms “Kakao-Brötchen”. Schokoladentafeln are später drinks.

Acosta is one of the nice women who helped the city of Bonao in Dorf Caribe the Vereinigung der Schokoladenmacherinnen. The wool is not complete with the foreigners in the Ferne de Profit from the higher Kakaoanbau overlasts. Your work is confined to a unique space. You can expand the self-taught production of Spitzenproducts.

“Cariver” heißt ihre Marke. Mittlerweile works best with the Meister-Chocolatier from Belgium or Switzerland. Acosta Kollegin Juana Panyagua is married to the man who now takes charge and says: “Wir women are happy, everything is theirs. Our life is a new chance.” A foundation has been provided for the Anschub.

Quartier ohne Chic in Kaffeeland

In the languages ​​of Bonao and Cibao and in the Umland, where the faith streets of the island states, have an existing initiative, it is so that the Einnahmen in the Gemeinschaften flourish. Here is the “Dom. Rep.” nor the Dominican Republic, unpainted, authentic.

So who in the Zentralkordillere, in that sich ab Bonao a Sträßchen hinauf windet. Riesenbambus fächert itself auf. Ohne Helme is a family of four riding on a Vespa. The Dorfjugend gathers in a billard salon. Soul is the Ökotourismus-Komplex Río Blanco. The reason behind the “Business of the land settlement for the fortification”, with 600 families, is estimated by Andrés Sarita. The project started 32 years ago as a volunteer for a non-profit organization.

Zimmer with a nice quartier or chic, with a full board package comes with a meal at the Tisch. Die Blicke in the Bergwelt is fantastic. Ein Lehrpfad führt durch Kaffee plantations. The Kaffee is available here, sold and sold. “Bei a Aufenthalt, a man can drink like this Kaffee, whoever wants a man,” Sarita says. This is another art of All Inclusive.

Enjoy your visit to the Top Spots of the Landes: the Beaches and the Colonial Splendor of Main Town Santo Domingo. If the interior is a class higher, this cannot be different.

Von der Hausfrau zum Natur-Guide

A discovery tour through Küste and Andrang takes people into the small nature conservation area of ​​Saltos de Jima. “Willkommen im Paradies,” began a Holzschild. “An man is a happy day for visitors,” says Führerin Nadia Hernández Salcedo. The magnet is the beautiful two kilometers that Jima-Wasserfall has found, the guidance is mandatory.

With the 200 pesos entry fee, it was worth more than three euros, and half flew into the coffers of the 26-member Guideteams. “This is a tourism project for our community”, a summary of the background. Since the war in the 40s-year-old housewife, now she explains the plant world.

Der surprising Weg führtüber Wurzelwerk, Treppen, Stege, Brücken. Were no Mückenschutz auflegt hat, wird zum Blutspender. Am the end of the water fall at a more modest height through the green. “Manche kommen hier, um beim Rauschen zu mediteren,” said Hernández. Then you should stop on the way back at a wildly romantic natural pool of the Flüsschens Jima.

Art from waste materials

The bath refreshed, but is no comparison to palm beaches. It was never again a family relationship with the Marino Antonio Brito in the tourist coastal town, and eight kilometers southwest of Moca. Under the label “Arteco” the 58-year-old and his team transform the rest of coconut shells into artistic garnishes.

The waste material was composed of decorative objects, made of acrylic paint. Original souvenirs are a thinkable – and with a price of 200 pesos, there is no money available. Damit supports men at the same time women like Mary Espaillat, die in the structure of a job that has been given a job.

While the debtor sees the 36-year-old Pinselschwünge with great happiness. Remember that the profitable land investment has yielded the next art center “Neoarte”. Senior chef Henry Miguel Crisóstomo is located at Herzen, the wife of the family. There are products that are “Puppen ohne Gesicht”, but in the store the facilities and the Zwischenhändler are gehen.

“Puppies without a face,” says the 57-year-old, supports the unity of the natives, the African and the European isolation. “For a Dominican it is a physically noticeable brand. It is a Schmelztiegel.”

Lock route of the beaches

Crisóstomo said Blatt for the Mund, when he said: “All-inclusive tourism is just a different wind.” There is a great experience, that travel “more and more a daily activity and experience in the landscape conditions”.

Dennoch has found the Lockruf of the Beaches, in the north of Sosúa and Cabarete, at the Playa Dorada, “Goldstrand”, or after Punta Cana in the East. For your clean kitchen and vorgelagerten-korallenrife it is possible to enter Haiti.

Dort leaves the Dominican Republic in the “Dom. Rep.” of the Masses. It is the price of the Schönheit from Ozean, Palmen and Sand. Bei e Stück Schokolade von “Cariver” träumt man sich in Inland zurück.

Links, Tips, Practical:

Anreise: From more airports in Germany Santo Domingo, Puerto Plata or Punta Cana were announced.

Einreise: Ein Aufenthalt bis zu 30 Tagen is visa-free, herewith the travel pass is valid. Before the Abflug is an electronic and Ausreiseformular, it is used. Dafür fallen keine Kosten an.

Money: Währung ist der Dominican Peso; 100 Pesos = 1.56 Euro (as of August 1, 2024). Euro tauschtman in Wechselstuben. Hilfreich on the way to a small US-Dollar-Scheine, extended to current credit cards.

Gesundheit: Laut Website van de Auswärtigen Amtes voor de Einreise in Deutschland kan nicht Pflichtimpfungen vorgeschrieben. A journey against Hepatitis A disease that causes the Schutz by the disease of all tags (Dengue-Fieber).

Time change: The Dominican Republic is a nice hint of the time in Germany, while summer time is interrupted by the differences between the hours.

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