
FDP Franktionschef Dürr demands Kürzung for an amount of 20 Euro

FDP Franktionschef Dürr demands Kürzung for an amount of 20 Euro

The FDP-ruhrt weiter the Werbetrommel for a Schränkung of the Citizens’ Funds. Fraction leader Dürr receives an amount of 20 euros per month.

FDP faction leader Christian Dürr has paid off a debt to citizens’ funds. Inflation expectations are cases of citizen money “from 14 to 20 euros in today’s month”, such as the period of the “Bild”-zeitung. “It would be a good job to be able to cope with inflation, even if the inflation was higher, if it were to be affected by the labor costs”, said Dür r.

The war started in 2024 with 12 Prozent rises. All options are 563 Euro per month, 61 Euro more. 2025 I would like to have Empfängerinnen and Empfänger with a possible Nullrunde einstellen.

In 2024, the arrangement saw a grim form in the Vergleich in de Vorjahre, when a speech about the ministerial ministers took place at the end of July. Dies habe an der hohen Inflation is located there. “If you look at the moment, it is possible that price increases will be on a low flame on January 1, 2025.”

Last year Germany spent 42.6 billion euros on citizen money, up to 36.6 billion in the previous year. The state cannot make citizen money big. It is a fact that a person has a minimum of security, while life is never an own property and asset.

A manchmal can be a fact. Hundred-year-old citizens’ money recipients must pay for their heating and cooling costs, because your home is not as expected. I will continue to run your new home with citizens’ money for a year, if the response of the Federal Government to a request from the Left Group in the Bundestag is resubmitted. I have to pay 103 euros for my own financing.

Eigentliche sollen Wohnkosten, also Miete and Heizkosten, at Bürgergeld-Empfängern vom Staat were übernommen. If it is gold plated, it should be used even longer. Dafür dürfen Miete und Wohnungsgröße bestimmte regional festgelegte Richtwerte nicht überschreiten. If you want a large home, you can convert a house or a house into one room.

The SPD chairwoman Lars Kingbeil has intensified the discussion about a citizen money receiver, through which one’s own power can be exercised. Erlebe, it fell people part of the citizen money as unjustified things. “Because it is not worth more than 800,000 dollars, there is a call on the citizen money, while it earns so little money in the fight, that it was a war”, said Klingbeil.

“That is, the people are in a position to find justice, if only 16,000 people are there, they refuse to accept the responsibility of the State. They also support the Solidarity of the State, are responsible for their actions and do not make any mistakes. And they are not a man. makes it clear, it is not a Right to Faulheit.”

Finance Minister Christian Lindner has given a speech about a zero round. “Citizen money is no longer hereditary and can no longer be reformed,” the FDP leader said in the ARD “Summer Interview”.