
Wetter: Nordlicht und Sternschnuppen am Schweizer Nachthimmel

Wetter: Nordlicht und Sternschnuppen am Schweizer Nachthimmel

Meteoschweiz holds the farbenfrohen Blick vom Piz Corvatsch GR fest.
Meteoschweiz holds the farbenfrohen Blick vom Piz Corvatsch GR fest.


A Nordlicht and Sternschnuppen were welded during the night on Montag vom Piz Corvatsch GR. These were the Weterleuchten der Gewitter in der Westschweiz recognisable, wie der Wetterdienst des Bundes miteilte.

The Nordlicht war vom Gipfel in Canton Graubünden in the northern direction of the country, who is the Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology (Meteoschweiz), is the Kurznachrichtendienst X Mitteilte.

Take care of the Nordlichter Mitte Mai for a great spectacle at the Swiss Night. This is a nature show in Switzerland that was also present in Flachland.

Good terms and conditions for scallops

In the Night on Montag you can see the exciting Night of Herrschen in the Schweizgute Bedingungen zum Beobachten von Sternschnuppen. Between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m., the most theoretical question is to check their timetable for the private weather service.

Other municipalities tend to shift the starfish to the service at night with an open-air service – especially in the Canton of Vaud.
