
Android Trojaner seziert | c’t | heise magazine

Android Trojaner seziert | c’t | heise magazine

Exciting picture

Illustration: Albert Hulm

Suspicious Android apps under investigation

You can also download new Apps for your own purchase. With online services, analysis tools and a little know-how, you can use your data and get a glimpse of the app tools. The first interesting views since there are only a few clicks.

From David Wischnjak and Ronald Eikenberg

AAndroid read Nutzern und Entwicklern felle Freiheiten – these erase allthings auch Virenschreiber zu schätzen. Some apps can be used for installation and doubling and spying on your Nutzer. We use an Android smartphone to inspect and use it, with the help of analysis methods for our users with the best results – we can help you with this. Find all tools and links below

To the cupboards:
Building of Android APKs

First of all, if you have an app with a clear view, since your judgments are valid: Passen de ingeforderten Befugnisse so gar nicht zum gebotenen Funktionsumfang, dann ist öglicherweise etwas faul. Your App is suitable for actions by sending SMS messages or receiving messages from the Flash Player directly, which serves the purpose of the installation. Some special considerations apply to the messages sent by SMS or the message on the camera if the man does not use Android 6 separately. These playing rules are also useful for playing tricks, which are the easiest way to use the Gerät without rooting or other tricks. Welche Rechte aine App einfordert, legen Entwickler in der sogenannten Manifest-Datei fest (siehe Kasten „Aufbau von Android-APKs“).

For a quick look at all the installed apps and the functions of the tool “Permission Friendly Apps” from “” we have taken a look. There is a list, which is sorted after a risk score. Dieser wird anhand der erteilten Berechtigungen kalkuliert. On your smartphone, you may also be aware of the suspicious nature of Facebook and WhatsApp with the Flashlight App “FlashLight” with the package names “com.zhengjaiu.flight” throughout. You can also see the other information about the right, photos and videos, receive telephone calls, send text messages and receive messages – for a simple, easy-to-use bag, it is a good idea.

Extracted and analyzed

We are looking forward to looking at the app and looking at it. You should first use this Application Package (APK). Android is included in the package after the installation of the app within the internal software. With the “APK Extractor Lite” you can obtain the APK data from your smartphone and analyzer. The Tool also contains a list of installed apps. You can also download the text menu from the context menu, with the Punkt “Send APK” using the Teilen-Dialog von Android. Beim ersten Export musten wir dem Tool statten, af den Speicher zzugreifen. Since Android 8.0 does not appear that the tool can be launched anymore, here you will find more information about the cost-related Solid Explorer.