
Your job is fun, people have great work, and we have more information

Your job is fun, people have great work, and we have more information

The joy of young people’s well-being is still a message from the International Labor Organization (ILO) again in Beschäftigung noch Aus-oder Weiterbildung.

Zwei Drittel der Affected is a young woman, the UN Organization in Geneva reported. “Friedly healthy relationships with three core components: stability, security of all and social justice,” said ILO Director General Gilbert Houngbo. «People’s worth work for the youth is the work of all three.»

Der Anteil der erer ohne Beschäftigung, Aus- oder Weiterbildung lag dem ILO-Bericht zufolge 2023 both from 15 to 24 years after 20.4 Prozent. There is an improvement since the beginning of the 2005 edition with three Prozentpunkte. The category heisst bei der ILO «NEET»: not employed, education or training (again in Beschäftigung, Ausbildung oder Weiterbildung).

Specifically, the unemployment rate in this old group is declining. 13 percent were unemployed in the past year, so few know the beginning of the experiences. Affected were 64.9 million people between 15 and 24 years. The statistical data that are currently active are examined.

In fell Ländern nicht genug Arbeit

The conflict between the regions is gross. While young people in the United States and the European continent are quickly experiencing problems, war in the Arab states in East and South Africa can be threatened after the ILO in the fall. In many states, there is no talk of a good thing.

Viele junior Leute seien delivered. Two days later, I would lose my job. Young people often see that they are civilized and that they are the first to know in the Krisenzeiten. “That said, that was not the intention,” Houngbo said.

The ILO government in 187 member states has earned more money and taught the young generation, was used on the labor market.



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