
Open-air cinema with Elemental and Fall Guy in Kremspark

Open-air cinema with Elemental and Fall Guy in Kremspark

ANSFELDEN. Das Ansfeldner Sommerkino is zurück: Am 29. en 30. August ist jeweils at 8.15 pm Film starts in the Kremspark in Haid. Think of the action comedy Fall Guy that stars Disney’s Elemental kids.

There is a big change in the town of Ansfelden with a big summer. Zum ersten Mal findet dies jedoch im Kremspark (Motorikpark Haid) statt.

On the first day, August 29, Disney’s animated film Elemental was released. A secret tip for all family and Disney fans: In Element City, the beings of the four elements Fire, Water, Air and Earth share the city with each other. For the residents, it is now a rule – and it is not that the element does not get poisoned. A fire maid and a water boy find all the things that occur in the wider stand. If you have more time to use other words, then it is a little more time to use Element City and see the things you can do. Start is at 20:15.

The following day, August 30th, at 8:15 PM, Fall Guy’s action drops: After an Unfall, while Karriere quickly takes its toll, stuntman Colt Seavers will have a missing movie star, a conspiracy to unravel, who loves to win his life back – and at the same time make his normal job. What can be done about that?

Kiosk and Liegestühle for Ort

In the Kremspark both evenings etwa 70 Liegestühle were prepared – es gilded who comes first, first served. Also is the bus of the bus (photo booth) with the start, an unparalleled ride during the ride. Drinks and snacks are available in the popular kiosk. In bad weather bzw. Rain must be carried out the previous time.