
Mochi-Eis im Trend 2024: Blitzrezept met nur 6 Zutaten

Mochi-Eis im Trend 2024: Blitzrezept met nur 6 Zutaten

Recipe idea
Mochi-Eis selber machen: So gelingt der Food-Trend zu Hause

Mochi-Eis is in trend

Schon seit a few years of inheritance in itself Mochi-Demand a greater faith

© Gulsina / Getty Images

Many Food-Trends end their season, while other people expect a year of constant faith – with a touch of Mochi-Eis. Who is the Japanese-Italian dessert that can be eaten, is included in the article for writing clarity.

Mochis originate from Japan and were traditionally and newly developed. It is about an art travel cake that is taken from Klebreis. There are many different variations – there are no things that are good with Eiscreme. Dennoch originates from the Rezept from the own Reihen: The Japanese Frances Hashimoto inherited the Mochi-Eis and set a new trend in the USA, which is übergeschwapped to Germany. Here the product can be sold in one of the other supermarkets or other supermarkets, but it can be a lot easier. Wasn’t it fun, then read who you follow.

Mochi-Eis selber machen: Rezept für zu Hause

For the benefit of your health, you will be able to enjoy some results:

  • 160 g water
  • 12 Ice Balls
  • 160 grams of sugar
  • 4 EL Speiselaars
  • Food paint
  • 160 g Sticky rice

The most davon haben Sie wahrscheinlich schon zu Hause – bis auf das Cling knitting needle. You can make the right choice in Asia or online. Die Food paint if it is good, one of the ways you can play green, you can choose to do that as an alternative Matcha powder used. If you are vegan, it is not possible to separate it yourself.

Haben Sie all Zutaten beisammen, gehen Sie schrittweise for:

  1. Geben Sie das Mehl zutammen mit dem Zucker in een Schüssel and mix both Zutates with others. Im Anschluss rühren Sie das Wasser mit einen Schneebesen in kleineen Mengen schrittweise under de Masse.
  2. If you tolerate the Teig a little, add the desired food colour and stir the Teig until the desired colour has been achieved.
  3. Nehmen Sie een Pfanne, gießen de Masse hinein and erwarmen diese auf mittlerer Hitze – währenddessen muss sie with a Holzlöffel permanently changed, a Klümpchen zu avoid.
  4. If you are on the right path, it is no longer possible: weiteren. And if I am so long, the mass is so sticky, that I am Pfannenwender, can be bleibt.
  5. Verteilen Sie die Speisestärke auf einer Arbeitsfläche, geben de klebrigen Teig dazu and verkneten both Miteinander. So I’m Idealfall, there are eight large portions.
  6. When my hand forms something with the reins that play together with the eight balls, it is so that the separating has disappeared. When you see that the mass can no longer.
  7. Imagine making a ball of ice and fuhren when you have the edge of life after your sisters, until the ice has made a complete end. The edge has been pushed aside miteinander.
  8. After the Kugeln is closed, the fruitful Mochi-Ice is renamed the Eisfach-dwaal – and the wittiest two hours remain. It is wonderful to taste the dessert.

Wichtig: So check your Mochi requirements

So if the child is aware of the question, then it is wise to risk – for all children and other people with written children: the fact that they are like that, is that they will be shaken. Andernfalls besteht de Gefahr, that is a Hals-steckenbleibt. Wollen as a number is certain, it is a fact that the Eiskugeln is not in the essence of the Stück, but before the Verzehr first in small Stücke zu schneiden goes.

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