
Start at Olympia 2028 Open

Start at Olympia 2028 Open

The eight-time Dressur Olympian Isabell Werth has now completed both the Olympic Games in four years in Los Angeles. “Wendy is young happy. If we are still there, we will not be there,” said the 55 years in the community “Morgenmagazine” of ARD and ZDF. The Rheinberger had both been playing in Paris with their lives in the team Wendy in Gold. and my lone hinter Jessica von Bredow-Werndl auf Dalera Silber won.

With eight Gold and second Silver medals, they are the best German Teilnehmerin at the Olympic Games and the lost of the former Kanutin Birgit Fischer (62) ab. Fischer had hollowed eight Mal Gold and four Mal Silver in his career. Werth since 1992 in Barcelona at the Olympic Games next.

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