
Freiwilligenakademie im Auschwitz-Museum started Bewerbungsphase

Freiwilligenakademie im Auschwitz-Museum started Bewerbungsphase

The parts of the Academy became part of the museum archive. In these years you can perform the indexing of a reconstructed transport list in Fokus. This list includes 750 Häftlinge, who died on 25 August 1944 from Auschwitz in the Neuengamme concentration camp. When the electricity supply, the castle and the driver’s trial take place, the assembly of engines and boilers in the military equipment will be carried out.

Anna Jawień, Mitglied des Teams für Datenintegration und Opferinformationen, concreted de Bedeutung dieser Arbeit: “Those volunteers were dating in the Hauptdatenbank einpflegen and thus beitragen, the historical memorial of the Sacrifice of the Holocaust zu bewahren.”

Along with the work in the archives is included in the program a detailed review of the former camps Auschwitz as well as a seminar with historians and museum pedagogues. The technology and the academy are free of charge, the amount of places is more expensive. Interested parties can appear on an online form on August 18. The exhibition will be distributed in English, the content will be completely the costs for the journey and the insurance itself.

Over the years, volunteers from the states of Poland, the United States, Australia, Mazedonia, France, Germany, Bulgaria and Malaysia have been found. “It is said that the museum project has a great interest, when it is active,” says Katarzyna Marcak, Leiterin des Freiwilligenbüros at the Bildungszentrum.

The Auschwitz Museum was opened in 1947 by the famous Konzentrationslager Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Die Deutschen hatten Auschwitz 1940 als Lager zur Inhaftierung von Polengericht; During the last years of Auschwitz II-Birkenau, this was the cause of the destruction of the Jews. In total, the Nazis in Auschwitz murdered at least 1.1 million people, including Jews. 1979 Wurde das ehemalige Lager as one of the most important works of art on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list.
