
Stadium: Historic Altstadt with the SUP or Kanu decks

Stadium: Historic Altstadt with the SUP or Kanu decks

Flight information in Hamburg

Paddling in Burggraben: with the SUP through Stade

12.08.2024 – 10:29 amReading time: 4 min.

image images 0705885529Enlargement of the imagesIn the swing through the city: The Altstadt is no longer suitable for SUP out of knowledge. (Quelle: IMAGO/imageBROKER/Olaf Schulz/imago)

In front of the tower Hamburg lies Stade. The Kleinstadt is occupied with an Altstadt core, the von Wasser is bent. If you experience the possibility or the SUP, this is difficult.

In Stade everything is more rowdy than in Hamburg. Das Wasser, der Fischmarkt, das Leben. Once it does, man’s power is a secret and a paddle to the pace of change. Stades Altstadt is fully equipped with water – and a good starting point for active tours and tourists.

When you are in the Alte Land, there are all kinds of things to do. Mit dem Fahrrad is durch Deutschland größtes Obstanbaugebiet gehen.

What about the washer: Are you still more Holzafen, where the SUP Club Stadium is in the House, can a man be separated: Fleetkahn, Kanu or Kajak? Or still Stand-Up Paddling? Make a separation for the board.

Christian Boldt, our SUP Trainer for the best, says that he says the following: “It’s important to know that the Paddelblatt is in front of the Brett in the water and see what happens during the Füßen durch”. Right, left, right, left. There is a pair of paddle shoes that have all the Tourteilnehmer-daran gewöhnt. Nor kneeling.

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Alter Harbor at the Schwinge in Stade (Archive photo): Vom Wasser aus sich zahlreiche historical Gebäude of a whole other Blickwinkel existaunen. (Quelle: IMAGO/imageBROKER/Olaf Schulz/imago)

Einheiten später bittet Boldt seine Gäste aufzustehen. More or less we cannot end up in the Zeitlupe of Burggraben. There is a part of the Flüsschens-Schwinge, the hours of a Seitenarm der Elbe are.

When you go out, it’s no longer like this: Boldt leads us to the new “Fitness Trail” of Stade, an Art Trimm-Dich-Pfad on the water, by 15 blue painters with the best photos.

It is gilded, over five kilometers the body to master – if man could remain strong. If the balance stops, while the power of Burbees – a mistake in the Liegestütz and Strecksprung – is, it is a difficult task to help Brett. Something lighter: Knee braces with 180-degree thrust. It was not so long ago that we ended up under the fussen.

“Your man feels better when a man sits on Brett and can enjoy the sport a little,” said Christian Boldt. So if the Intervallstrecke bis zur Eisenbahnbrücke, the Grüppchen zeemlich Fahrt aufnimmt.

In Stade aber weinrote Schilder – for those, who are still interested in the history of the water: Auch of the “History-Trail” was recently completed.

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Fluss Schwinge (Archive photo): Insgesamt misses the Gewässer beef 28 Kilometers Länge. (Quelle: IMAGO/imageBROKER/Olaf Schulz/imago)

Each of the 14 stations gives a glimpse into the history of the city. When the city of festivities was opened, the city was exploded in 1645 in Sweden by the ruler. This is the highest point of the Güldenstern and Königsmarck Bastion.

Under a healthy stream, one of the historic Baudenkmäler am Ufer. Dazwischen fell Grün. Zum Beispiel auf der Museumsinsel: This is one of the many free Freilichtmuseen Deutschlands. Long-term work is not possible.

Die Schwinge gilded seit jeher as Lebensader von Stade. Ihr Wasser der Grund für die frühe Ansiedlung von Menschen. The mittelniederdeutsche Wort “Stade” bedeutet “Gestade” – Ufer beziehungsweise Anlegestelle für Schiffe. Seit dem 9. Jahrhundert deals de Stadt mit Waren. 1267 trat si der Hanse bei and wurde in europaweite Warenströme eingebunden.

The other Hansehafen on the fish market with the popular Holztretkran comes on the Umschlagplatz in the Hanseatic era. Here Koggen, large trading ship, would have been loaded and the goods were taken before he started his journey.

The Schwedenspeicher Museum, one of the most important provision houses of the Swedish Gross Force and a land corridor, was the History of the Hanse. Besucher, dass Stade mit Salz aus Lüneburg trade and über Braunschweig Erze bezog. Aber auch Getreide, Bier, Holz und später engelse Tuche were important Handelsgüter der Stadt.