
Comment! First raunzen, then jubeln: Olympia, typical Austrian

Comment! First raunzen, then jubeln: Olympia, typical Austrian

Were there a few days of “how would we like to visit our tourists in Olympia?” zu “fits eh”! Austrian as the Olympic Games 2024 in Paris are not more.

Fun bis zehn Medaillen sollten es zijn. Fünf Medaillen in three Sportarten sind es, davon zwei aus Gold. Soll erüllt.

The location at 36 in the medal mirror is classic after the Golden Reiht.

Österreich is one of the residents of the country with number 98 in the world, following the country number 114. Now in the Sachen Gross-Inlandsprodukt it is still in the Top 40.

All the fun statistical games, after which the countries are happy to read. Even if they were always revisited, they were saved from their heritage and missed Olympic games.

Es geht besser – es geht aber auch schlechter!

Since we are sporty, we are not so small, we are able to do it. We have no great power. That is not possible without having to worry about it.

Are the countries different, which are better adapted? Clear. The Netherlands. Neuseeland. Ungarn. Ireland. Rumanien. Belgium. Serbian.

Since these Länder classic winter sports nations? Im Gegensatz zu Österreich nicht. Even if the climate walk is a bit of a problem, it will help us to keep our home alive.

Then see the man races in the country with the Medaillenspiegel ab, that is a unique sport with a strong tradition of sportsmanship, which is the basis for our current status, and that the sport world is also a more friendly environment.

Why doesn’t anyone speak about Poland, Portugal, Argentina, Turkey, Slovakia – or our other countries with different European standards, Switzerland? You will find everything behind Rot-Weiß-Rot.

Der Nuller lies so lange nicht zurück

How did you become Schönrederei des österreichischen Abschneidens? Nieces. These very best games were es, heißt in Umkehrschluss: Fünfmal stieg Österreich schon besser aus. Allerdings liet auch die Londoner Nullrunde erst zwölf Jahre zurück.

It is a nuchterne experience. Österreich is still summer sports in January 2024, but it is. Aber auch nicht weniger. Luft nach openen? Jede Menge! Raum nach unten? Ouch!

We are, where we are.

What should that bring?

Leader since we are near Raunzer. That’s the end of the game 2024.

After the first day of their legal battle, they were not fled and were ridiculed. The next step is to start with: Austria’s hottest requirements come to the end of the calendar. Patience is called for.

(Text is unterhalb fortgesetzt)

It is one Owner who lives. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. No one, of the heritage, supports themselves in their own mindset. Never mind their lives and their lives in the Wettkampf, sports psychologists became more involved.

Then the momentary nature cannot be such a sobering signal, Negativismus cannot bring about any change. With a careful construction criticism, the satisfaction of the judgment and the frustrations caused by damage.

Olympia-Tourismus isn’t there

Speziell bei Olympia is not yet available. “That’s all,” this is the end and the title of the Olympic Gedanken, der de Spielen ihren Sinn geben sollte.

This may not be the case for the absolute World Pitze, but for the absolute Greatest Mountains. And also for the large size of the Olympic Team Austria.

No one was a “tourist”. These Qualifikationskriterien are in all Sportarten strict, the bloße Erbringung dieser Limits ist more like the enjoyment of the Berechtigung. Punkt, Ende.

Höhen und Tiefen, everything is relative

Wenn ein Benny Wizani monatelang durch einen Kreuzbandrisssss, erfach om dabei zu können und mit Rang 15 von 16 Teilnehmern freudestrahlend vom Trampolin humpelt.

Wenn a Laura Stigger or a Marco Haller as the safest driver on the saddle. Wenn eine Julia Mayer im Marathon 55. wird und ihre eigenen Erwartungen übertrifft.

Sprang auch ohne Kreuzband, Hauptsache dabei: Benny Wizani

Photo: © GEPA

Wenn die Alexandri-Schwestern als Medaillenfavoritinnen bitter Tränen über de vierten Platz shed. Wenn sich Markus Fuchs über seine 100-Meter-Performance schämt. Wenn Victoria Hudson won the Speer-Finale.

Then that is all not more and not more Olympia, as wenn Lara Vadlau and Lukas Mähr after Years of War endlich with Gold in those Wet days. Jessica Pilz’ Kletter-Bronzene die Enttäuschung von Tokyo vergessen lässt. And Michaela Polleres knew that this was the first medal during a flight war.

From the Sports perspective, you will be at the Olympia eben but will continue to participate in the Dabeisein. Sei es, weil es zur Medaillenchance nie reichen wird. There is only one chance that lasts forever. Other inheritances for the future were collected soll. Olympia bleibt Olympia, egal mit welchem ​​Antrieb dahinter.

Selbst als Inspiration für other, bestimmte Sportarten zügehen. Damit will shine in 20 years with new chances of jubilation.

Wer more will, muss more dafür tun

End of Romanticism. Naturally, I am passionate about sport and the great heritage. With this attitude I would always be more prepared and anxious. The time spent on your own time is not enough.

Nur Konsequenz auf all Ebenen. Finanzen. Structures. Unterstützungen. Everything is done in a positive way.

And both of them in Austria since all Ebenen were not able to become successful. However, the infrastructure theme is not yet fully rolled out.

Others said mr. Others, who don’t have any Voraussetzungen habits. Now that you invest in a soul-oriented manner, work and erase it, that is not the case.

Negativismus mag im Sport keine Tugend sein, die voranbringt. Die Orientierung an jenen, die hinder einem lie, ist es nicht.

All are missing

Es gibt Verbände in Österreich, who could serve as Vorbilder. Segeln und Klettern since jetzt as Musterbeispiele performed. Know-how for mining can be obtained here.

Since we haven’t been there yet, we can still see it. Since there will be no reichs, these festivals will be held regularly every four years.

Were you able to enjoy the sport of racing and skiing, you will not be surprised, but you will not be able to gain more weight as a minimum.

This may start with political will and investment, depending on whether you are interested or interested in the sports activities of the major sources of quotes, if you wish to use them, you will not be able to use the media tablets.

And among the most important ones: They can use children’s molds to weld them.

The future is now

It doesn’t come after two weeks in four years. Sie sind nur das Abbild der Jahre davor. The dates for 2028, 2032, 2036… were announced later.

Vorsichtshalber landet dieser Kommentar aber im Archiv jener Dateien, die in Zukunft noch einmal braucht.

Wenn sich keine grundlegenden Dinge ändern, we still have more than a few small besser, even a bisschen schlechter, but there are always those who perform in Paris 2024: Wholeheartedly entsprechend.

Darüber brauchen wir dann auch nicht raunzen. Egal, who is Austrian.

Party at Austria House! Olympia heroes weld and crash