
Nachwuchspreis for vorbildliche Lehre received a Florian Recker

Nachwuchspreis for vorbildliche Lehre received a Florian Recker

Bonn. Dr. Florian Recker guarded the Society for Medical Education (GMA) for the GMA-Nachwuchspreis. A young life has emerged, the translation of the Lehre and its new rendering.

The 34-year-old Recker is a Facharzt en der Klinik voor Geburtshilfe und Pränatale Medizin of the Universitätsklinikums in Bonn and Dort Leiter of Centers for Ultrasound Research and Innovations in Obstetric Sciences. Zudem is a coordinator of the Centers for Geburtshilfe and Frauenheilkunde der Uniklinik.

Another partner is the interdisciplinary and interprofessional lifestyle. So in Bonn the practical research in pediatrics in the clinical semester is a fact that pediatric medicine can find an interdisciplinary status.

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Recker studied Medicine at the University of Bonn and obtained a Masters in Medical Education at the University of Heidelberg. Other Australian stations were the Harvard Macy Institute and Harvard Medical School in Boston and the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

I think that these years are based on the Stifterverband and the Medizinische Fakultätentag with the Legende-Fakultätenpreis Medizin for herausragende Lehre in der Hochschulmedizin ausgezeichnet be. (is)