
UBS Says Brenntag to ‘Buy’

UBS Says Brenntag to ‘Buy’

ZURICH (dpa-AFX Analyser) – The Schweizer Großbank UBS has made a purchase with a price of 85 euros. While in the first years the best possible duration of the volume of the European chemical was achieved, wrote analyst Geoff Haire in one of the most common industry studies. There is a valuation for the mixing process in the sector, everything for the sweaty half year a percentage point. For the Bereich consumer chemistry is the most of the time, the smallest duration of Bereich Agar and Industrial gas ensure. The young people who use the macro indicators in China, Europe and the US see a job in the Contract area./ck/ajx


Release of the Original Study: 11.08.2024 / 03:12 / GMT
First post of the original study: 11.08.2024 / 03:12 / GMT

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