
Publisher gamigo enthüllt FATE: ReawakenedNews

Publisher gamigo enthüllt FATE: ReawakenedNews

Emanuela (12. August 2024 09:58 )

Publisher gamigo enthüllt FATE: ReawakenedNews | DLH.NET The Gaming People

Publisher gamigo enthüllt FATE: Reawakened, a new Remaster for the classic Dungeon Crawler Series

Hamburg, Germany (9. August 2024) – A beliebtes Abenteuer der alten Schule wird thanks MMORPG-Publisher gamigo with FATE: Reawakened to bring forth a new life, a complete remaster of the original classics FATE-Series, continuous development and enhanced light from WildTangent! FATE: Reawakened Have a new classic life and experience the iconic Dungon Crawler quadrology with new mastered audio tracks, complete work on graphics and sister production.

FATE: Reawakened umfasst all four Original games, darunter those Sequels Undiscovered Realms, The Traitor Soul and The Cursed King.

YouTube Video.

FATE ist as a pioneer of the action-role-playing genres and their names after the playwrights Torchlight gefeiert und anerkannt. Dare to play a game of an epic mission, to watch such a journey and to create beautiful monsters to conquer, to make a series of adventures and to experience magical magic. FATE You can play games as a first Dungeon Crawler with your own hands and in the future Reawakened-Remastered and lived. Since then, all the beliebten Eigenschaften des Originals have been preserved, while the series remains alive and well.

About that FATE Series

The golden age of action role-playing games in itself FATE if you are really passionate about your thoughts and the two places you spend on the role of the role play of the years of the PC Magazine. The belief in the success of three sequels and the power of the success of the Dungeon Crawler in time. You can enjoy a new generation of games from the legendary cities of the Grove and original games that you will never experience!

Most Important Features of FATE: Reawakened

  • A fresh look: These packages include four games with full graphics updates for all assets and a newer interface and updated UI. Players will come into the Genuss stark improving Light and Particle Effect, which are the finest elements of the Dungeons FATE and have a new study.
  • Unmix new content: Fans of the Alten (and Fans of the New!) can also buy new Steam Abzeichen, new Steam Emojis and new profiles for the promotion of Steam as well as a new experience on all platforms. Darüber hält die Serie zum ersten Mal eine neue Lokalisierung mit Sprachunterstützung in Spanisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Koreanisch, Japenisch und Chinesisch (Kurzzeichen) für alle Spiele.
  • Processually generated Level: Erkunde endlose Höhlen, Dungeons, Minen und Tunnel, which were all prozedurally generated. Was you sure you were happy with it?
  • A flourishing economy: The game could be purchased and purchased as well as repairs, repairs and repairs.
  • Simply put, for hugging: Wähle sieben verschiedenen Haustierarten and verwandle sie in ever mächtigere Wesen.

FATE Reawakened appears on PC; A release date is not yet known. Füge die Sammlung jetzt deiner Wunschliste auf Steam and them Epic Games Store hint.

Follow the Play on FATE To stay on the run.

About gamigo

The gaming group is one of the leading publishers of online and mobile games in Europe and North America. The unique gaming portfolio of free-to-play titles such as Fiesta Online, Trove and Rift. With more than 300 employees, the gaming group will have the largest job in the gaming industry. Neben de deutschen Firmensitzen in Hamburg und Berlin find sich weitere Niederlassungen in Austin und Bellevue (USA), Seville (Spain) und Seoul (Südkorea). The Gamigo Group operates under the name of Gamigo AG, Gamigo Inc., which operates under the name “WildTangent”, Gamigo US Inc., Gamigo Publishing GmbH, Gamigo Portals GmbH, Kingsisle Entertainment, Inc. und AxesInMotion, SL The Unternehmensgruppe strives for both organic Wachstum who also Wachstum durch Acquisitionen an.

Since 2013, the gaming group has collected more than 25 acquisitions of titles, games and technology assets and games assets. The gaming group is Teil von MGI – Media and Games Invest SE. Weitere Informationen zur gamigo group gibt es below More information about MGI is available below