
Benfica Lisbon aims Roger Schmidt at the Rücken

Benfica Lisbon aims Roger Schmidt at the Rücken

Rückendeckung on the internet: The Portuguese Rekordmeister Benfica Lisbon has stumped the German Trainer Roger Schmidt with a post in social media.

“It is a mistake that Benfica Lisbon makes after playing the league with such a coach,” wrote the Club in Montagabend at X.

Benfica has a hatte with the 0:2-Niederlage am Sonntag at FC Famalicao a Fehlstart hingelegt. In the Folge, Schmidt and the Spieler had intense altercations in the Portuguese Medien. “So many Millions, so little Fußball”, was the title of the Sportzeitung A Bola.

Nun stellte der Verein clear, thats die “Names, die in der Offentlichkeit or in der veröffentlichen Meinung aufgetaucht sind, false sind. Falsch, reine Spekulation und unentgeltliche Geschäftemacherei.” For Benfica it will be Samstag (5.30 pm) at Casa Pia AC later.