
Citizen money: TV-Team rings at 3 Arbeitslosen – wait is less

Citizen money: TV-Team rings at 3 Arbeitslosen – wait is less

The trick is clear: think a lot, the Bürgergeld-Empfänger is a mistake, do not want to work, until the puppies sleep. It can happen that the Arbeitslosen are not so simple. If you are a family looking for a new job, you may need this.

Then you can call on the Bochumer Romina, Frank and Bruder Robin, who manage the RTL-Zwei-Bürgergeld-Doku “Armes Deutschland”. Although Frank and the labor costs 1 are worth it, Romina lives with her own years of life 4 (episode was for the benefit of the citizen’s money). Franks Bruder Robin is busy for a day with the heart, 4 of his beans. It’s a matter of doing it: it won’t work.

Bürgergeld-Doku dreht in Bochum

It comes down to Romina wearing a festive blue hat. Frank and Robin have an idea of ​​the job centers in their lives. And so a day of duty at 9:30 tomorrow brings another suspicious Silence, when the TV team checks in with the Bochumer Trio.

++ Citizen money: Working people enjoy their lives – “Zuhause rumsitzen and get money” ++

Fully updated with Romina die Tür. „Heute Morgen, a bisschen longer life“, welcome to the Ruhe. “If a man has a longer hat, on the bank war and a homemade hat, a movie gucked hat, then he could be like that or a few men. Then we will be happy tomorrow for a little longer,” Romina explains.

Robin sleeps until 5pm

It is not that it is found when his friend Frank wants to start working. Then hätte is a regular Tagesablauf. Frank doesn’t see it as scary. Schließlich is een Tage, wo er bereits um sechs Uhr wach gewesen sei, signaler Frau Kaffee and Kippe gemacht hatte. “Da bin ich nicht so”, so der Arbeitslose deutlich.

Everything you need to know about your citizen’s money

As a threesome in the Bunde War jedoch also Franks Brother Robin has become by the RTL-Zwei-Teams nor in the land of dreams. „Also, the Robin sleeps most until 17 o’clock“, weiß Romina. There is more than enough. It may be a lost cause. If you have a job now, it is so that Rhythmus finds a job. Leicht is no longer safe.

RTL Zwei zeit die Folge “Armes Deutschland: Ehekrise statt Arbeit” on Dienstag (13. August 2024) at 10.15 PM.