
Landgard appoints Moritz Krannich as CFO in the Vorstand ‹ Fruchtportal

Landgard appoints Moritz Krannich as CFO in the Vorstand ‹ Fruchtportal

13. August 2024

Since 01.09.2024 the review of the Landgard eG after final decision on the Diplom-Kaufmann Moritz Krannich (45) will be ordered by the new CFO of the Landgard eG. There follows next Carsten Bönig, of the Unternehmen auf eigenen Wunsch until 31.12.2024 released. So it is due to the ordering of Moritz Krannich a luckless Übergang in the Führung des Finanzressorts sichergestellt.

Diplom-Kaufmann Moritz Krannich (45) became new CFO of Landgard eG. (Photo © Landgard)

Moritz Krannich has been around since 18 years in Führungsverantwortung namhafter Unternehmen in Phasen der Transformation aktiv. They are also responsible for their financial management and organizational functions as CFO.

After studying in Lüneburg und Southampton (Great Britain) where Moritz Krannich im Advisory-Bereich der KPMG AG tätig, wör die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichen Branchen der fertigenden Industrie und des Handels maßgeblich scaffolded. Im späteren Verlauf signaler Berufslaufbahn hat Moritz Krannich zudem bei Alvarez & Marsal als Berater funert.

Internationale Erfahrung sammelte Moritz Krannich im Rahmen eines morejährigen Auslandsaufenthaltes in Singapore. As the leader of the global controls at the financial institutions there was a subsequent acquisition by Asian investors federführend within the operations of the global financial organization. Weitere Stationen in operativer Verantwortung umfassen Unternehmen aus dem Spezialmaschinenbau as well as repair and trade with Consumer Goods.

Zuletzt was there as a manager of the GoodMills Deutschland GmbH, the German Teilkonzern of the same genossenschaftliche Eigentümerstruktur geprägten and in Wien anssigen GoodMills Group, tätig. As a part of the German Geschäftsführung, there was a lot of responsibility for the initiation, development and implementation of comprehensive transformation programs for the future management of human beings.

„We have our friends, we will thank Moritz Krannich for these positive experiences we have gained. “There is no need for additional expertise in the financial sector, even if it is necessary to review the know-how regarding transformation processes and strategic development of the final results of the joint Landgard surveys,” said Bert Schmitz, Landgard Surveyor G.

The Landgard eG is also responsible for Oliver Mans (CEO) and Moritz Krannich (CFO).

Release date: 13.08.2024