
Is it 67 in Einsatz? Debate about an alternative border at the Feuerwehr

Is it 67 in Einsatz? Debate about an alternative border at the Feuerwehr

Munich (dpa/lby) – Möglicherweise können active Mitglieder der volunteer Feuerwehren in Bavaria could remain in service for longer. Derzeit is located on the Altersgrenze in 65 years.

If you wait longer, you can use a safe or an alternative disk. The Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann (CSU) has made a regulation that has tackled the fight against the Feuerwehren and the Landesfeuerwehrverband with the fight against the government, making a ministerial ministerial contribution to the fight: “The soul is that abstinence is possible until the end of the year to lead a problem.”

Alternative limit from 65 to 67?

Clear positioning of the hat on the Gemeindetag. There is a change of the alternative limit from 65 to 67 years, as Speaker Wilfried Schober said.

The Landesfeuerwehrverband before the transition of the alternative borders and the gesetzliche renteneintrittsalter, the alternative borders can last about 67 years. Band chief Johann Eitzenberger said, the investigation into the entire demographic Entwicklung.

The Anhebung der Altersgrenze is a Baustein, an einsatzbereitschaft of the free fire fighters in the Freistaat is still as strong. A man expresses the basic principles of a “ganzheitliches Konzept”, such as the dpa. Since there is a relationship between children and youth, children are always strong in their lives.

The Freien Wähler (FW) in the Bavarian Landtag was the youngest before the Anhebung der Altersgrenze. The entsprechenden Diskussionen est initiator de Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer Felix Locke met. “See the high wasser catastrophe in June that has ended a bit, who is a strong Feuerwehr.”

The current regulations with the Altersborde at 65 became the fort-critical demographic Walking no longer justified “and therefore continue in Widerspruch zur schnittlichen gesundheitlichen Verfassung a Menschen über dem 65. Lebensjahr”.

Fast 7500 volunteer firefighters in Bavaria

If one of the alternative borders has a significant impact on personal care and a “potential happiness through the elimination of the baby boomer generation, the FW-Sprecher for the Rettungsdienst, Bernhard Heinisch, would have received the Mitteilung.

Most of the Feuerwehrleute in Bayern is ehrenamtlich in Einsatz. Berufsfeuerwehren gibt is now in the big city, dazu kommen etwa 200 Werks- und Betriebsfeuerwehren. After the Verbandsangaben you will go to freedom on January 1, 2024. 330,000 active Mitglieder in the 7,476 volunteer Feuerwehren.