
Flugbegleiterin: Diese Art Passagere ich am schlimmsten

Flugbegleiterin: Diese Art Passagere ich am schlimmsten

Flugbegleiterin: Diese Art Passagere ich am schlimmsten

Symbolic image: Your Job as flight companion loves Helene Brunn, because she gets to know many people and cultures along the way. A sign can only visit regularly. Brunn did not appear on the image.
Getty | Mongkol Chuewong

Helene Brunn began her career as a flight attendant. Your work is attractive, conflict and stress moments and the board is loose.

Take a trip and enjoy the flight on the plane – and massage and block the starter packs often. “Zum Glück hält die Crew gut zijn, und wir können solche Situationen oft gemeinsam regn”, so Brunn.

Trotz des Ärgers lies in the battle. “I have a wonderfully beautiful human moment to experience,” he said.

If you travel, jet or take off in the full flight: The worst passengers will be exposed to the boarding process before your kite can be used at all.

“There are other special people who want a good rule,” Helene Brunn* reported in an interview with Business Insider. The Mittzwanzigerin can also fly for years as a flight for a major airline. “It is of course a No-Go,” he said.

Denn Unruhestiftende fallen nicht nur others Reisenden auf die Nerven. Present your board personal with a problem. Flugbegleitende responsible under the Security in the Cabinet. If you no longer have to argue with a sign, you can throw the best Arbeitsablauf party. “So bald felle Menschen an einem Ort versammelt sind, müssen all mitziehen”, so Brunn.

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If you are looking for a solution, you can ask all the questions involved. “For the sake of luck, the crew comes together and can often rule a number of situations.”

If we want to convince Brunn and my team diesel of stressful moments – and know what happened, it was so.

Airlines invest in alcohol

For guests with flight anxiety Brunn stopped chocolate and gummi bears as nerve stimulation. The use of long-lasting liquids can lead to a longer period of alcohol consumption. No problem for Brunn, as long as you learn your drinks in large quantities. Often the passages are passed in the direction of the escape routes on glass, while they spit an aggressive sign and stop when they no longer have any rules with the Anschalpflicht. “It is a greater security aspect, so those others also pass for themselves,” says Brunn. “If you want to look when you use the Landung, you can use powerful Turbulens. “

Darum has Brunns Airline in the Cabinet of the Bierhaus, Wine or High-Proportioned from the Duty-Free Shop offered. Only the flight attendants pour from a Plate out – and can thus better estimate, what enough had. Manche Passengers will probably get a heart-rending feeling when picking up, if you make a mistake. “I often suffer from the fact that I have put an alcoholic drink on a plate,” says Brunn. The crew tries to remove the alcoholic drink and ensure this passage.

Streithähne in a kite

A great potential for conflict can form one Flugzeugkabine unit, in its people another swing. Brunn has as a flight attendant entered into the battle with the poor or the generosity geschlicht.

As an oberstes gilded daher at full flight: Take a clear view and continue to chat, before the Streit escaliert. “It is a fact, one thing we can say and acknowledge, that the others are not to blame for the situation,” Brunn said. “If you look at the same situation, the situation will be better and the frustration will not arise from others.”

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Traveling tragedies fell with their hands on the board and prevented them from starting

The steaming of a plate and the falling of the hand with a handbag, the journey that is carried out. “The storage space in the aircraft is very limited,” said Brunn. “If you have to spend a long time with the passenger discussion, your suitcase or bag is not under the woolen seat, it is a reinforcement – especially if you get a snack.”

That is the time, both for those flight attendants and for all travelers. Make sure that all personal settings are no longer active and the note is free, but the flight cannot start. Take a look at the view below, and look for a solution for two alternatives: “The package is packed with the help of – in the worst case – the person is separated from it.”

Before the flight click on the handbook regulation on the airline website. Was it so big, that you the Passenger at the Check-In-Switch on.

Flug-Kollegen passage policy: “It is not a matter of order”

Regulation is Brunn with a great lack of understanding: “I am very happy with the Kolleginnen und Kollegen, the Passage Ihnen on the Kopf werfen, as Flugbegleitende haben sinie etwas Ordentliches gelernt.”

A single herabschätzung is the following: “Diese Aussagen kommen von Menschen, die keinen Einblick haben, was Flugbegleitende wirklich auszeichnet.” Denn während ihrer drei-bis viermonatigen Ausbildung lernte Brunn etwa, in Notsituationen a kühlen Kopf zu bewahren, first Hilfe so leisten , it is not that the Flugzeug flight and the sogar process take place themselves. These problems are sad: “Many people are not satisfied with their work, but we are happy with their work and are happy with others.”

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Trotz des Ärgers, if you have a different attitude, you can find Brunn in Job and that scary Arbeit with the Fluggästen and Bord. „Man started wrong persons and learned everything about the culture of Ebene falls. So if you travel with travelers and with students and students, it is an incomprehensible moment that there is a moment of attention.’

*Out of the Foundations of Privatsphäre has been given the name of a leading actor. Business Insider knows his name and the airline, for his profession.