
Merida & Centurion Germany: one development, one new institution

Merida & Centurion Germany: one development, one new institution

David Walz.Photo: MCG

There are years started with David Walz at MCG in Marketing as manager for events, corporate activities and sponsorship. This is an experience from the sports and entertainment industry (at the TSG Hoffenheim and the MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg) that also works. With the expertise and commitment of the signaler Walz is the Unternehmensangaben “the Marke Merida in Germany weiter strong and innovative strategies shown, a position on the market offered.”

Michael BüttnerPhoto: MCG

The behest of David Walz as manager for events, activities and sponsorship at MCG has become a newcomer and the self-confident Michael Büttner. For his self-confidence Büttner was project manager at the Werbeagentur Roedig + Partner. If there is an experience in the event sector, the team is with fresh ideas and know-how.
Zur Promotion von Walz und Neueinstellung von Büttner erklärt MCG-Marketingleiter Simon Oppold: »If we are happy with our work and have a positive attitude, both of them will benefit from the success of the Merida & Centurion Germany GmbH.«

Text: Jo Beckendorff/MCG