
Dr. Bob: Erste Zweifel and Candidates for the start of the Dschungelcamps! | Unterhaltung

Dr. Bob: Erste Zweifel and Candidates for the start of the Dschungelcamps! | Unterhaltung

Who would be the King or King of the Jungle Legends?

The Donnerstag (on RTL+) and the Freitag (on TV) started at RTL during the summer jungle camp “Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden”. For the 20th anniversary, the cult candidates of the formats in South Africa perform together. The sieger cashes 100,000 euros.

For BILD, jungle camp doctor Dr. Bob (73) died at the age of 13 under the Lupe. Georgina Fleur (34), Gigi Birofio (24), Sarah Knappik (37), Thorsten Legat (55) … What are the chances of the Sieg? Could you be the first to fly out of the camp? And Dr. Bob has made a candidate for a great chance!