
LHC Cottbus heiß auf Drittliga-Start: Turnier in Poland as Härtetest

LHC Cottbus heiß auf Drittliga-Start: Turnier in Poland as Härtetest

In the final phase of the preparation for the new Drittliga season, the handball player of the LHC Cottbus has an intensive week. At the grimly occupied tournament in the Polish Nowa Sol, the team will test his form. With the newcomer and four adventures that took place at the age of 17, LHC President Kai-Uwe Weilmünster said that we have not made any more transfers: “It is possible that this will still be active.” It is August 31 in the 3. Liga Nord-Ost seriousness is getting. Life cards for the home games are still available online until August 19.

The LHC Cottbus is intended for:

The handball player of LHC Cottbus is in the separated phase of the preparation in the new Drittliga-Saison. I arrive on the Wochenende that the Lausitzer lets play a grim besetztes Turnier in the Polnischen Nowa Sol. One of the playing cards that is on the playing market has never been like this.

The new function of the LHC Cottbus mentions four feature films in the Verein. LHC President Kai-Uwe Weilmünster stopped the month of August at the Spielermarkt again. “It may be that this will still be active.” 17 players are current in the frame. “It is not that we think of an unknown opponent,” said the former handball pro. The Staffel Nord-Ost is the star of the four Drittligen in August. When you play the game, it is so that the game works as well as possible.

Ein Gefühl, the handball player of the time playing stehen, hat Weilmünster nicht. “That was the last night’s game, with Turnier in Poland, Dresden and NARVA Berlin.” On August 31, 7:15 PM, the first game of the 3. Liga Nord-Ost will start. Die Cottbuser Handballer guest at the HSG Eider Harde (Schleswig Holstein). The Mannschaft is the owner of the eighth Telefoonplatz in the 3. Liga.

On August 19, the online ticket sales for the 15th match day of Cottbus will appear. The tickets can be purchased on Portal Eventim-Light. All information on the website of LHC Cottbus (

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