
ASS has a Darmkrebsrisiko at über 30 Prozent

ASS has a Darmkrebsrisiko at über 30 Prozent

The US Preventive Services Task Force started working in 2016 and submitted the ASD application to the Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen and Dickdarmkrebs. This Empfehlung applies to all residents in Alter from 50 to 59 years, including the Altersgruppe with the high risks for Dickdarmkrebs. 2016 see the Empfehlung aber teilweise zurück. De Befürchtung: ASS erhöhe das Risiko von Magen-Darm-Blutungen.

With the nun veröffentlicht Studie wolle man die Ansatz gezielt wieder aufgreifen. “Wolten herausfinden, welche Personen im de ASD profiteers, een geziel Präventionsstrategie zu entwickeln“, erklärt Andrew Chan, Co-Senior Author of Study and Director of Epidemiology at the Mass General Cancer Center. Denn: Dickdarmkrebs is the winner of the National Cancer Institute in the United States.

Risikosenkung is a 38 Prozent

In the total study study, the three years are sweet and 107,655 parts are taken: there are a number of studies that investigate the flow of ASD on the Krebsprävention. The data are from the years 1980 to 2018 for women and 1986 to 2018 for men. The soul of the study is a study that works out the regularity of acetylsalicylic acid on the Intestinal Krebsrisk-, especially in people with a healthy lifestyle.

The study report, that at ASS-Nutzenden the cumulative 10-year incidence of intestinal cancer was 1.98 percent, compared to 2.95 percent in Danes, is that the non-steroidal antirheumatic (NSAR) has not been taken. An absolute risk reduction of 0.97 percent is expected during regular aspirin intake. The following consequences are the significant risk reduction in the unwanted components: at the risks of 3.4 percent to 2.12 percent has sunk. I think there is a war between the 1.6 percent and 1.5 percent.

This is the case: People, the regular ASS-einnahmen, have an etwa of 33 percent new risks, in the next 10 years and a Darmkrebs zu erkranken. If the parts with a longer lifespan are, with an overweight or a smoke, the war is still not postponed; here the price is reduced to 38 Perzent.

Exciting for Risk Patient:innen

“There’s no reason that aspirin is effective, a high risk in people with more risk factors for the gut. In people with a lifelong war that has had a major impact on the nuts,” said Daniel Sikavi, lead author of the study and a gastroenterologist at MGH.

Sikavi has here, because the study has a certain problem, the regular standard dosage of 325 mg aspirin twice as large. However, previous studies support the tag Einhme 81 Milligram low-dosed ASS as effective preventive measures. The new knowledge can help, individual prevention strategies will be applied and the Role of ASS in credit prevention will continue.

Previous study

Zuletzt has published one of the publications of the journal “Cell Death and Disease” in a study from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), which contains acetylsalicylic acid against tumor-suppressive micro-RNAs miR-34a and miR-34b/c. When the tumor research began, the tumor often became inactive, so that the tumor suppressor p53 was no longer active, and there was a therapeutic use in p53-multiple Krebsarten that did not work well.

Frühere Studies have learned that ASD inhibits the Prostaglandin synthesis, with the Krebsentstehung in Verbindung Steht. You can block the NSAR signaling pathway, the uncontrolled zellwachstum verursachen, the immune system causes Krebszellen influssen and the Bildung van Blutgefäßen hemmen, the Krebszellen with Nährstoffen sorgen. “ASS could prevent bowel movements due to more different mechanisms,” Chan says.

The active study is not suitable for conducting a research into the Wirkstoffeinnahme, with zum Beispiel Blutungen. Because of the different risks involved in the study, there are more unbeknown factors involved in the experience, which in itself constitutes a behavioral study and the groups of ASS-Nutzenden and -Nichtnutzenden are not completely possible were vergleichbar.