
BVB buys Paris Brunner to AS Monaco

BVB buys Paris Brunner to AS Monaco

Bella-Kotchap was at the service of a medical check-up in the Kraichgau erwartet, and the transfer was fully carried out. Der 22-Jährige gilt als großes Abwehrtalent, war 2022 sogar Teil des deutschen WM-Kaders. Zu einem Einsatz in Qatar kam er nicht. In the past Saison where Bella-Kotchap and the Dutch Top Club PSV Eindhoven are available, come and join us for new experiences.

Spaniens EM-Flügelflitzer Nico Williams is living with FC Barcelona. That is the best way to change a detail. In the meantime, the Athletic Bilbao Club hat Williams will name each other’s Rückennummer. Bisher lief der 22-Jährige mit der Nummer eleven auf, ab der neuen Saison trägt there die zehn. The motto of the club in an Instagram story.

“I am a stolz, from Muniain (bisheriger Spieler mit der Nummer 10, Anm. d. Ed.) who can obtain their Rückennummer and who will write their History”, said Williams in the Story in Spanish. The results were possible, we would like to have a club together in the community during the summer after 19 years.

Durch eine strong Europameisterschaft power Williams in the summer with itself. This is the first time you look forward to the next season for the Catalans. But dem wird scheinbar nicht so signal.