
Boeing – Final: Boeing has a new CEO. That’s a different job

Boeing – Final: Boeing has a new CEO. That’s a different job

The new CEO has had an extreme job

The US-Aircraft repairer Boeing (NYSE:) has in the last years of his trip to Skandale the world of the Unternehmen grimly under Pressure setzt. There is a new launch of the US-Luftwaffe in the height of 2.56 million US dollars for the Entwicklung of the American Air Force that the flight in Boeing grimly performed.

Zwischen Abstürzen, Produktionsfehlern und ethical Verfehlungen

Boeing hat over the years can have a negative effect on security. Other schwerwiegend were the Abstürze von zwei Boeing 737 Max-Maschinen for the coming years, the 384 Menschen das Leben kostten. In these cases, it may be that the unjust underlayers and its consequences are a criminal prosecution. A number of vergleichs and der einführung eines compliance programs will Boeing begin working in May 2024, so that the vergleichs can appear.

The technical problems have not been solved: From problems with sauerstofoff masks in 2600 Boeing 737 machines to a disaster, with a hull part of a Boeing 737-9 Max going to take off, the confidence in the quality of the Boeing flight has been severely damaged. Further disasters, such as a no-landing in Istanbul and a crashed Reifen at the landing in Alanya, raise the concerns.

Tragische Todesfälle et al Skandale: Whistleblower in Gefahr

Especially that the problem at Boeing is caused by the whistleblower, while the mistake is amplified in another brand name. An e-mail quality manager can lead to good financing, and further quality improvement after a sudden infection. Both recruitment factions are about the final destination, which at Boeing are solved more as a legendary problem. It is all possible to prevent a short Kriminalval.

Die Zukunft von Boeing: A longer path to the recovery of the Vertrauens

While Boeing has reached its great size, who said the young aviation with the US-Luftwaffe, the world is going to make a long and long way, a lost flight. The problem of the technical problems is enormously sensitive and it is only a few days ago that Boeings have a high-quality and extremely fresh experience. Dennoch clearly says that Boeing as one of the largest companies in the American economy is ‘too big to fail’ and gets everything, one of the other things they have to do. Gleichzeitig werd internationale luchtbehörden die Entwicklungen door Boeing in August worden.

It is no surprise that the Series and the Scandals of the last CEO, David Calhoun, will be planted if they are established. Stubborn is that his last years on the chef posts. The offensive is that Calhoun has become and now disappeared by Kelly Ortberg. Kelly Ortberg is the most important manager in the industry.

Kelly Ortberg war prepared in rest position. In the 64th century he could have used the air force and the rest of Rockwell (NYSE:) to let Collins enjoy his trip for three years for the Rockwell-Mutterkonzern RTX (ehemals Raytheon (NYSE:)). It is possible that Boeing has made a flight and done thankless support posts. It will be a longer way to the Krise.

Reicht diese Weichenstellung schon aus?

I am skeptical. If we see the Boeing chart, follow a full and complete Forecast, where we can invest on 31.03.2024.

And if you see what its meaning is, you can see the Forecast abzuweichen. Even if the purchase is not completed, the Boeing action has not fallen on the violet Box (NYSE:) 95.45$ and 50.40$. While you experience the best chance of a next trend turn. If so, then the new CEO is so sweet. If the action is carried out immediately after the start of the action, then this is not the case, a full-fledged false signal. Da leugen einfach zu veele Dinge im Argen.

Boeing 3-Day Chart

If everything is offered in the long term, it is a last resort, is in the alternative a direct solution after an attempt to do so. The action you are looking for is exactly what you are looking for for a nachhaltige trendwende nach oben. It will not last longer for the German future as our forecast. If the flight is no longer sufficient, it cannot be otherwise than that you make a single flight with a Boeing machine in the holiday flight.

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