
Ermässigung: Klassik in Klagenfurt

Ermässigung: Klassik in Klagenfurt

15 Jahre Klassik in Klagenfurt: Enjoy the last three concerts in the form of a “Mini-Abos”. For club members at a great price. Enjoy “Mythos Wagner” on 31. August in the Konzerthaus with one of the internationally renowned singer and Wagner tenor, Andreas Schager and his wife, the experienced violinist Lidia Baich. It plays under the conductor Guillermo García Calvo of the Kärntner Sinfonieorchester. On 7 September the young trio “Brein, Schmid & Gansch” of the Publikum was founded with Kammermusik, the classic classical music, jazzy grooves and many own compositions. Last but not least on 14 September with Lukas Sternath a rising star among the pianists was played. Enjoy the beautiful interpretations of Beethoven, Schumann and Liszt.

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