
If you are a Simulation person, you will always have a Schritt voaus

If you are a Simulation person, you will always have a Schritt voaus

Ambulance Life is the new game from Aesir Interactive, that is to say with the game Police Simulator: Patrol officers end up in a certain direction. While we dare to play police this small, our new job is as Sanitary facilities not less exciting. If you are in the human life, you can do most things and go through the street with your car.

That Core Gameplay this is about Driving and Provide. Konkreter is the one who goes through the city with our work, a quick and easy experience of the disaster and Abandoned persons so very. Make sure the patient is treated at the pace in the hospital.

A Rettungswagen swings onto a bridge during traffic

Source: Aesir Interactive

San Pelícano, more like San Francisco

Ort des Geschehens is the Stadt San Pelícano, which is located in the orientation of San Francisco. Dort since we have visited three different places along the way: The Historical Quarter, the Geschäftsviertel and the Industrial Zones.

We lived in the city of our own country and were in our retirement car for various reasons. The Verletzungen, die zich Menschen zuziehen, ie de Instrumente, um de Wunden zu treat, sind am Anfang noch überschaubar. With zunehmender playground equipment, play the Verletzungen and Anzahl and Gadgets in our Repertoire zu.

Insgesamt 36 verschiedene Verletzungen sollen am End im Spiel landen. These can be used to create a healthy lifestyle through the use of these grades. If you perform your treatment, you will need to choose a different instrument for your treatment.

The choice

This kingdom is a classic Stethoskop with its Sauerstoff mask. Who has the wound treatments, can use a handful of tablets and a manual. The tablet can be used in the rescue car and is intended to perform the treatment of a small vital function of the patient.

For the experience games and a greater challenge, Ambulance Life does not switch to a classic mode for a simulation mode for more realism.

If you can no longer see a patient and a patient, you can leave the car while navigating the streets of San Pelícano. The road is full and the car is full.

Boss Level: Exploding Tank Stations

Source: Aesir Interactive

While the injured person is loaded, he may no longer have a Fahrstil. If all goes well, the journey may cause Passengers to become worse.

If there is some kind of easement, a Boss-Level comes to us. Boss-level employees in Ambulance Life Catastrophes, while they can gain a much larger number of their experiences.

It is possible to insert a supply meadow or start an explosive tank position. If you are looking for one of these things, there will probably be another possibility to have a separated müssen, we are a Help that exercises a part of the triage. A certain time limit has no meaning for the time you need.

First reason, then condemn

If you make the right choice for your purchase, you should first start with your reason. You will never find more in the Names, but a potential benefit and the Einnahme of Medikamenten heraus.

With this information you can consult our analysis methods. If you start with the beginning of the treatment, you can perform the operation in a simple way with small mini-games.

Mini game in the treatment

Source: Aesir Interactive

There are no fragments and operations that are as simple as those of the Hinweise and Verletzungen. The cable is easy to operate on an electrical connection.

Brauchen wires a defibrillator, the device can be one of the devices that release a device (yes, in women). These tattoos and some bruised wound are performed by a FSK instruction for 16 years.

The Aussehen offers characters that are best played with the games. There are eight different Avatars for selection. Only the Namen has no more cleaning products that can be used for free.

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In addition to an Ambulance life, the Aesir Interactive is no longer a medical simulator, but a simulator for the Fahrten with the rescue truck twickelt hat. If the game takes a hit or is no longer a big Unfall world, this will take years. The game is played in the herb season. Transparantzhinweis: Das Vorschau-Event zu Ambulance Life – A paramedic simulator fand digital state.