
After 23 years, we will report the Regensburger Kegler in the Oberhaus zurück

After 23 years, we will report the Regensburger Kegler in the Oberhaus zurück

23 years ago it happened, but the truth is that the new season of SC Regensburg will take place in the first Bundesliga. The herausforderung can be bigger in the Liga with Zerbst and Raindorf zwei der beste Europese men. Let the SC appear on a slow top display.

The Kegel abteilung of SC Regensburg lasts 58 years. Since last year, Nils Deichner has supported the Sports Club on the Railroad. Zur Saison 2017/18 is a Mannschaftsführer. Der Aufstieg ins Oberhaus ist der volläufige Höhepunkt eines Prozesses „über three bis vier Jahre“, so Deichner. In the Vorjahren region they are jewels of the Vizemeisterschaft in the Liga Zwei. Entschieden wurde das Racing first in the game. If the war is won, the battle will be fought, so Deichner.

Umphangreiches Training on the Kegelbahn

The time is right for Durchschnaufen blieb den Keglern nicht. After the season in April, intensive preparation for the upcoming playing time started in June. Deichner is drowning in that, “there will be more fun during the week on the Kegelbahn zu trainieren”.

This is because we find a few steps in the hall of the gym or the Fahrradfahren, a good fitness experience. ‘At the level is nothing else,’ said the Capital.

The training program is specially designed for the soulful operation on the open ground. If the railways lie in the cellar, see how the summer temperature is no problem. Secondly, find the following week’s preparation games for the end of July.

A game takes place in Topform

„As you say, you will be able to enjoy the game since then“, so you will be able to see this in the future. The rest of the teams now have no more reservations. So in the Vorsaisons you must have “always become all Spur-gefunden who lose”. When the tests are carried out, factory towers are used that allow the heat to rise to the slow, while all railways in Kellern or kühlten Räumen for würden are found.

Taras Elsinger is no longer with the party. After 25 years I see it again after Raindorf. “There is still plenty of room for improvement,” said Deichner, who was very happy with his life. A look at a statistical fact, who the Abgang chose for the Regensburger: 617 Punkte in Durchnitt, a Bestwert von 700 and his German Meistertitle. Neben ihm verlässt auch Maximilian Hufnagel de Verein and schließt sich Valhalla Regensburg an.

A perhaps out of talent and experience

For those who are new to the Mannschaft are Tim Radina, Michael Oettl and Wolfgang Häckl. Nachwuchstalent Radina comes with TSV Lauf and first became U-18 European master with the Mannschaft and in Einzel in the summer. Oettl comes from ex-Liga-Konkurrenten Hirschau and played a strong season, Deichner reports. Play with Wolfgang Häckl a game with the Bundesligaerfahrung with his Verfügung. Until the war in 2022 in Amberg was active, Kegelschuhe eigentlich and the Nagel gehängt hadte be. Beim SC became a reconciliation, nothing was done.

The Stimmung in de Verein nimmt Deichner in Vorfeld des Saison starts as a positive path. „We will erase, that is the sauce we will have“, order of the Chapters that roll the Regensburger ein. There are many messes, a higher Soul when the Klassenerhalt fails. Von zehn Teams in der Liga steigen gleich drei ab. When you perform the surreptitious representation of your direct competitors. The problem with the punks is that the uninterested environment and the offer of a great reformation go unnoticed. “These Spitzenmannschaften could be made faster by the train,” said Deichner in Bezug auf die Fähigkeiten der Favoriten.

Serienmeister comes to visit after Regensburg

The first major game played on the Regensburger took place on September 15 with the Heimspiel against Zerbst, which Deichner called “with the best Kegelmannschaft der Welt”. The last time we play in the Voraus game, the cards for the game are the evil Champions League siege with the Nationals player Christian Wilke, Manuel Weiß and Daniel Barth.

Der Vergleich met de best Keglern der Welt bereitet Kapitän Deichner die grand Vorfreude für die nouvelle Saison. Neben Zerbst is one of the new Elsingers team from Raindorf, who finds the jewels of the Vizemeisterschaft safe in the past and three years.

Zu solchen Höhen is in Regensburg nor any other road. The Rückkehr in the Bundesliga after 23 years is a major success for the Verein.