
Deutsche Post NRW: Postbote erlebt plötzlich wahrgewordenen Albtraum

Deutsche Post NRW: Postbote erlebt plötzlich wahrgewordenen Albtraum

A job at Deutschen Post or DHL is no longer easier. Equally ob in NRW or others Teilen von Deutschlands – sowohl Briefträger as auch Paketboten der Deutschen Post stehen aufgrund von Zeitmangel and Personalnot massive under Druck.

If you generate a message or a message, which is an impatient message or a package, you must use a postal item in NRW, nor with another other message. There was a problem that played a role in a movie.

Deutsche Post in NRW: Postbote begeht großen Fehler

The Mitarbeiter der Deutschen Post went on holiday (9. August) in Iserlohn im Märkischen Kreis (NRW) seiner Work after, broadcast the Post and the Empfänger. If an address on the Leckeweg is on the list, nahm das Unheil seinen Lauf.

The 24-year-old post-botte chimes in at the gate of the dog, before your ground piece is better. It is a fact that the gate gives a hint of what it is like to have a bigger, black dog in his heart and to stay in his leg.

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Deutsche Post in NRW: Anzeige gegen Briefempfängerin

Because the Biss war was so grim and fährlich, a rescue vehicle should be saved. The Occupation of the Hundes is one of the consequences of the police officers, who at this level still have woolen wool.

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This attack gets the mail boats moving again, nor power is the attack of the dogs with a penalty bar. The woman cashed a notice due to possible body injury. Under the post in NRW it could be that a ground piece or the dispatch in the Zweifel first could not work anymore. Finally, dogs are not considered as natural enemies of the mail boats either in films, comics or witzen. There is still no talk that the fall will take place in Iserlohn.