
Dax is easy to find in the USA

Dax is easy to find in the USA

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The light of day is the service day at the German Aktienmarkt. In the US, the price rose sharply in July when it comes to the exchange rate. We can now move a step further towards the US-Notenbank Fed’s course. All products are subject to the purchase price in the USA and in the United States, which are therefore subject to change.

The Dax rose 0.3 percent to 17,770 points on Wednesday. The German index stagnated yesterday. The Landesbank Helaba notes positively that the Dax is now moving above its longer-term trends after the end of the month. These products are sold from an amount of 17,500 points, it is a targeted purchase and a search for a large beach trade.

De MDax der mediogroßen Unternehmen stieg am Dienstag um 0.5 Prozent auf 24.270 Punkte. The Eurozone Leitindex EuroStoxx 50 was moderately in Plus.

If you somehow glance at the quarters of the world of the ton. I am finished with the course of Hellofresh-Action at 10 percent above. The change of cooking boxes became surprisingly profitable in the second quarter.

Unter den Dax-Titeln, the Aktien von Brenntag lost 0.6 Prozent. The chemical handler can ensure that the competition and price pressure are cut down over the years. With more than 1.7 percent you will receive Hannover Rück after a purchase from the Berenberg Bank for the greatest gains in Dax.

Stärkere Kursbewegungen go bei den Nebenwerten. The Rüstungskonzern Renk will initially compete with the bislang avisiert. Der Aktienkurs veld gleichwohl um 3.2 Prozent. Analyst George McWhirter from Berenberg Bank spoke about one of the results of Finanzchefs Christian Schulz.

The Baudienstleister-bilfinger earns more when he works on the market. Die Papiere Gewannen 3.3 Perzent. The previous time of Cancom has received 5.5 percent of the products that the IT service has won with the employee.

Payments for an Evotec in collaboration with the US pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb are on the Evotec course at a 5.6 percent rate.

Then you are of the Actions of Varta for Furore. Were that I Vortag a more than 40 percent to above geschnellt, so they pay on Tuesday a further 35 percent. The tension of the action of the powerful batteries for a total enjoyment is in July a fast 70 percent of the welding work. If you find the action in the field of economy, everything is possible at a low level.

Enter the market for the euro after the American verdict. The Gemeinschaftswährung is listed at $1.0942, after the European central bank has put the euro in the bank at $1.0925.

I am a German cashier with the price paid on the price. The Rentenindex Rexlege has a value of 0.06 Prozent auf 126.45 Punkte zu. Die Umlaufrendite fiel im Gegenzug von 2,23 Prozent am Montag auf 2,22 Prozent./bek/mis

— Von Benjamin Krieger, dpa-AFX —

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