
Personelle Rochaden in Bad Saulgau

Personelle Rochaden in Bad Saulgau

In the second series of Vorschau on the Saisonbegin in the Kreisliga A 2 stehen der FV Bad Saulgau, der SV Renhardsweiler, Türkiyemspor Saulgau und Weithart/Rulfingen in Mittelpunkt.

Many fluctuations in FVS

Association Bad Saulgau: “In the heart of the Upper Swabians, the middle”: With this motto, the FVS is expected to enter old times. The policy of small steps. About the youth with hereditary functions and a cadre, of the trainer Selim Uzunpolat it is so that this can happen. For the backstop in the army, Torhüter Mirco Ulm should take care. “There are individual high-profile companies that may have a job. With our sports directors Andreas Gronbach, Matthias Baier and Joe Chazkjewitsch, they have come into their own hands, the FVS with an attractive address”, said Uzunpolat.

Pictured: Tim Striegel (TSV Riedlingen), Valerio Burgarello (TSV Berg), Kevin Chazkjewitsch (SF Bussen), Übeydullah Gündogdu (SV Weingarten), Wakka Bass (SV Sigmaringen). – Accessions: Suad Nuredini, Ralph Henning, Saljin Ilirit, Eugen Gorst, Aldin Delic (all SC Türkiyemspor), Arkin Sibak, Enes Xhemajli (born FC Mengen), Max Werner, Justin Renz, Lukas Neuenteufel (fangen wieder an), Mirco Ulm (SV Sigmaringen), Liam Haag, Adrian Zimmerer, Ingo Lutz (all owned by Jugend). – Trainer: Selim Uzunpolat, Nico Müller (co-trainer). – Seasonal: Place one to three. – Master tip: FC Laiz, TSV Sig’dorf.

Renhardsweiler: Ziel Klassenerhalt

SV Renhardsweiler: The spirit of the season is clear: Class position. A new coach is one of the young and experienced players who play together. Soul: see points from the first four games. The experienced players must also jump in. For everything in the derbies it is so good. On the market on the Platz it is probably no longer such a hole. Felix Gnann said: “We were always home strong. The league in this season is grim, but the game can never be played again. We can make life difficult for one or other favorites”.

Pictured: Dominik Günzel (FV Neufra), Max Gülden (SV Emden). – Accessions: Matteo De Ericco, Oskar Ahlert(fangen wieder an), Luis Eisele, Johannes Widmann (all owner Jugend). – Trainer: Gürkan Kocabas (FC Krauchenwies, new). – Seasonal: Ranking – Master tip: FC Ostrach, FC Laiz.

Türkiyemspor: In de Jugendarbeit einsteigen

SC Turkijespor: “We have lost our Leistungsträger. Elvir Bekiry fell verletzt noch Monate aus. We are very proud of it sincerely. Our promising situation is that a Saison has become many punks. Those abzustellen were an erster Schritt on the Richtung eintelliger Platz. Bowls with Roles, it will be fun in the Richtung Rang,” said Hadi Akyildiz. “Für mich fell even heavier ist, that we are in the Jugendarbeit einsteeigen“, said Akyildiz.

Pictured: Cihan Cicek (SG Bolstern/Hochberg), Berkay Kaya (SV Herbertingen), Ibrahim Akinci (SV Sigmaringen) + v. Zugänge FV Bad Saulgau. – Accession: Aron Kadriu, Andreas Shnayder (born SG Aulendorf), Besim Duyar, Fatih Kelci (born FC Mengen), Niklas Fischer, Arda Özkaracan (born FV Bad Saulgau), Josip Tadic (SV Ebenweiler), Azgon Lataj (FC Kosovo Weingarten), Daniel Romunyuk (SV Bad Buchau). – Trainer: Hakan Karaosman/Rolf Spiwoks. – Seasonal: Place one to the last place. – Mastery style: FC Laiz.

The rearing is the best

SGM FV Weithart/TSV Rulfingen: First on 10. Spieldag (6.10.) starts with playing the game for the SGM, when TSV Sig’dorf comes. Dieter Spähler worked on the Duo Bregenzer/Krause. At the rise rocking the descent heavy: Michael Eberhard and Steffen Eichelmann pause bzw. whores on. Klemmt’s can both be a comeback-feiern. Trainer Spähler would like to profit from it, the lessons with the used material are prevented. The upgrade right for the class position is not out.

Pictured: Mike Senft (SCP II), Michael Eberhard (break), Steffan Eichelmann, Wolfgang Frick (born Karriereende). – Accession: Simon Gabriel, Raphael Marquardt (born SG Blönried/Eb.), Matthias Hinder (Herbertingen), David Dreher, Max Dreher (born Denkingen II), Marco Senft (fängt wieder an), Florian Frik (actually Jugend). – Trainer: Dieter Spähler (new). – Seasonal: Class holder. – Master tip: FC Laiz, TSV Sig’dorf, FV Bad Saulgau.