
New Bier from Dresden: Lohrmanns Brew braut exotics Pils for Kraftwerk Mitte

New Bier from Dresden: Lohrmanns Brew braut exotics Pils for Kraftwerk Mitte

New Bier from Dresden: Lohrmanns Brew braut exotics Pils for Kraftwerk Mitte

The Uni-Brauerei Lohrmanns Brew leaves a new beer, that is for the wine in the Dresdner Kraftwerk Mitte stehen soll. Deshalb became the Pils straight exotic. Wann Bierfans verkosten dare.

Brauer Gregor Reichardt zapft im Keller der Brauerei Lohrmanns Brew in Dresden Frisian Bier. A new matter is especially important.

Brauer Gregor Reichardt zapft im Keller der Brauerei Lohrmanns Brew in Dresden Frisian Bier. A new matter is especially important.
© Matthias Rietschel

Dresden. When the beer comes from the fresh tanks in the small glass, it is a special moment. Here it is said, that the Gebräu rundum gelungen ist – and the findet man is now here, wenn man costst. Brauer Gregor Reichardt offers his own beer in Lohrmann’s brew, which is best enjoyed in the Hahn. If you want to know more about the art of the Schlaraffenland blade, it is also a matter of handicrafts.

Here, in the heart of Kraftwerk Mitte, which is an Art Bier-Mekka developed. The TU Start-up Lohrmanns Brew hat in April here is a Brauerei with Gastronomie open net – with Sudkesseln, Gärtanks, Platz for 230 Durstige, unzähligen Beeren and Gerichten. Take a look at the new Sorten am Hahn, all of which were brauted here. First of all, the Brauanlage was taken in Betrieb. Either one of them was mentioned here, but the Zutaten Hopfen, Malz, Wasser und Hefe an Geschmäckern were heralded.

And that means that the new production, which is therefore not yet possible: the Kraftwerk-Mitte-Pils. Brauer Gregor Reichardt describes the geschmacklich thus: “It is a natural herb, with an exotic Citrus-Grapefruit-Note.” For those summer days it is perfect. Once purchased, the 0.4-liter glass of the specialty beer costs 4.80 euros.

Welches schmeckt wohl leckerer? The Kraftwerk-Mitte-Pils is a whole new creation of Lohrmann's Brew, which is a Hommage and the Areal soll.

Welches schmeckt wohl leckerer? The Kraftwerk-Mitte-Pils is a whole new creation of Lohrmann’s Brew, which is a Hommage and the Areal soll.
© Matthias Rietschel

In the cellar of the Uni-Brauerei in Kraftwerk Mitte gären and lagern that varied Beer types in different types of tanks, which could hold 2,000 liters.

In the cellar of the Uni-Brauerei in Kraftwerk Mitte gären and lagern which varied Beer types in different types of tanks, which could hold 2,000 liters.
© Matthias Rietschel

Francisco Arroyo, Geschäftsführer von Lohrmanns Brew, an der Zapfanlage der Brauerei. Neun Biere es inzwischen am Hahn.

Francisco Arroyo, Geschäftsführer von Lohrmanns Brew, an der Zapfanlage der Brauerei. Neun Biere es inzwischen am Hahn.
© Matthias Rietschel

“Das Bier soll eine Hommage an das Kraftwerk Mitte sein”

Especially beer is now produced in Kraftwerk Mitte, and is therefore the new Pils in the inner city. “Das Bier soll eine Hommage an das Kraftwerk Mitte sein”, erklärt Francisco Arroyo, Geschäftsführer von Lohrmanns Brew. “Is unterstreicht die Kultur, die Internationalität, die Vielfältigkeit und Offenheit.” This great Industrial Thinking has been going on in the past years and seen creativity in the region.

The conclusion of the Brauen des “Exotics”: After the Zugabe der Hefe in the Sudkesseln, a second pair of Hefe in kalten Lagertank gegeben – dadurch entsteht the special Citrus-Note. The Brauer could be here with their own long-term support, as well as at the Dresden Technical University as well as support. So beer could be made with better quality chemicals such as food, bitters or alcohol content. “So maintain a symbiosis between crafts and knowledge,” says Brauer Gregor Reichardt.

Fassanstich at Kraftwerk-Mitte-Fest

For 200 liters of beer you will receive a good meal over the tea. If 1,500 Hektoliters could be consumed here during the year, that would amount to 300,000 Halbliter bottles. Auch in der Flasche gibt’s Lohrmanns Brew in more Sorten. These were filled in at Brauhaus Hartmannsdorf after Chemnitz and with 85 sales orders. But the Kraftwerk-Mitte-Pils is now produced directly in the brewery.

If you could try a new exotic Pils, you can find out on September 7. Then it’s time to enjoy the Lohrmanns Brew – and black with larger sauce. The day of the day Loading a tag is the same as the activities during the Kraftwerk-Mitte-Fest, and in itself they are beautiful. Under the motto “Wir sind bunt” finden Konzerte, Veranstaltungen, Tanz und Mitmachaktionen statt.

Lohrmann’s Brew is determined by the Kraftwerk Mitte 6 und hat Montage bis Mittwoch von 15 bis 0 Uhr, Donnerstag bis Samstag von 12 bis 0 Uhr und Sonntag von 12 bis 20 Uhr geöffnet.