
Gülcan Kamps has launched a panic attack on the Kampf

Gülcan Kamps has launched a panic attack on the Kampf

August 14, 2024, 06:28 AM |
Reading time: 4 minutes

“Panikattacken bye bye” Gülcan Kamps called a photo from his Instagram account. The moderator will be taking care of online seminars during the camp lately. I started an interview with STYLEBOOK with Gülcan, I thought social media played an important role.

The intwined 41-year-old is a real cult figure of the German television. Founded as a cheerfully quirky TV moderator at the daily music channel “VIVA”, his positive art quickly gets into the heads of the sisters and sisters. If you give a hint about a large amount of nervousness and restlessness, you can exert the seduction influence on your Instagram account. The factory of Gülcan Kamps, the successor to a journey in the camp, ​​​​which performs the Panic Attack missions.

With this therapy, Gülcan Kamps will make a panic attack that is stirred beets

An online seminar that Gülcan helps you with his scary things is clear. “I had to do my best for the treatment face to face”, she explains. That was during the TV-Drehs and Reisen unmöglich. The best thing to do is to celebrate – “and it can’t be done otherwise.”

Dismissed for a treatment against the co-workers, who among other things make themselves noticeable by a protected heartbeat, breathlessness, ubelkeit and a sudden feeling of alienation, was a threat for a major “Pro 7” TV production. “I noticed an attack of an attack in front of the room and could no longer control or control.” The situation has been “turned off” for the 41-year-old.

Also interesting: So we can cope with a panic attack in the best of our lives

Typical symptom of a panic attack

Panic attacks are often performed medicinally, because they are psychosomatic in nature. If all goes well, you may have suffered a great deal of loss, but it is a real physical feat that you bring with you. That includes etwa schweißausbrüche, zittern, short-term irritability, a feeling in the chest and schwindel. Often there are no consequences for a protected heartbeat true.

Mentally it is the result of the sudden feeling of control lust and the fear, while the symptoms of dying are seriously burdened. When a panic attack falls, a reasoning can lie in the situation, we will use one of the methods that are eager, one of those irrational consequences.

It is possible to be in the situation

When Gülcan Kamps gives a ‘wegatmen’ speech, you can see that he holds a certain method in high regard, which are often affected at a certain time. During these periods, the physical symptoms can occur. It is possible that the blood pressure is removed. If you turn on the schlafzustand, it is removed.

Check the profit, compensate the man, the bottom of the water is a good solution. In general, it is a good method, a panic attack that is besieged as soon as possible, and that causes the same warning of the switch. So it is a matter of pleasure, the man sees, four things, the man feels, three things, the man hears, two things, the man right, and a thing, the man tastes, to concentrate. There are still few risky investment strategies that start to cause a panic attack.

Very interesting: Mandy Capristo litt under Panikattacken: “Verstehe nicht, warum das mit Scham verunden”

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Panic attacks occurred for a long time when Gülcan Kamps met him

Gülcan’s panic attacks have lasted a long time. “You can take the time to do a treatment and treat it,” says the influencer in STYLEBOOK. On a photo post with the caption: “Panic attack bye bye” has generated so much positive feedback, that’s all the answers can do. Gülcan Kamps complains: “Due to the fact that I have been called, I could take some of the big shocks for this state.”

You can find this position on Instagram

Um mit Inhalten aus Social Netzwerken are interacting or diese darzustellen, brauchen with deine Zustimmung.

Denn Gülcan Kamps is not all with his panic attack! A study by Statistical Consumer Insights in the year 2023 has given 13 percent of the 2,000 fragmented amounts of the month of the month a panic attack. Affected by this state of anxiety are also not very many people in Germany. We will see that the social media strategy is organized during the online seminar, but more people can wait a long time for a panic attack in the Griff they receive. Gülcan Kamps said: “I can now help others and me and that is a wonderful feeling.”