
JEFFERIES boosts LOREAL on ‘Hold’

JEFFERIES boosts LOREAL on ‘Hold’

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) – The analyst house of Jefferies has pushed L’Oréal from “Underperform” to “Hold” high and estimated the price from 362 to 365 euros. I have found an overview of a along the American cosmetics market, one of the top analysts of Molly Wylenzek in one of the Mittwoch-voorliegende research./ajx/la

Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 13.08.2024 / 13:13 / ET First Weitergabe of Original-Studie: 13.08.2024 / 19:00 / ET

Note: Information about Offenlegungspflicht bei Interessenkonflikten im Sinne von § 85 Abs. 1 WpHG, art. 20 VO (EU) 596/2014 for the generated analyst house can be found at

The L’Oréal promotion is aimed at an increase in sales time +0.98 % and a course of 381.1EUR traded on Tradegate (14 August 2024, 08:00).

Analytical Institute: JEFFERIES
Analyst: Molly Wylenzek
Companies analyzed: L’OREAL
Current update: neutral
Course new: 365
Course alt: 362
Observation: EUR
Magazines: 12m

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